Why is the Left so Dishonest about Islam?


Last week marked the one year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando. The last month and a half has brought multiple terrorist attacks to the UK alone. The last few years have seen a dramatic rise in the frequency of these attacks both abroad and on our soil. On Tuesday there was an attempted suicide-bombing in Brussels.

Sadly, many of us are adjusting to the idea that this is becoming just part of our day-to-day life, and we just need to get used to it. It is unfortunate that we have no way of identifying the threat and preventing the attacks. It’s too bad there is no common factor that links these attacks together. It’s too bad these murderers pledge allegiance to only themselves, showing their devotion to being a lone wolf. It is good, however, that we can rule out one possible cause. Not only have we heard it from the left and their media, but before each violent slaughter, the attackers usually shout “This has nothing to do with Islam.”

Now, I already see you scrolling to find the comment section and telling me what an intolerant, hateful, racist, Islamophobic, bigot I am. Well, you can go ahead, but I’ll clarify the pertinent point: I am not advocating hatred or discrimination against Muslims or Middle-Eastern People, at any time, for any reason. However, I am advocating an honest conversation about ideologies and systems of government without being censored. There is no question that there is an overwhelming number of Muslims who are not violent or evil. There is also no question that those countries with a centralized, Islamic government rooted in Sharia law violate human rights on a regular basis and desire domination of the west to establish a world-wide Caliphate.

The west’s hesitancy to discuss the ideological flaws of Islam shows yet another success of the left’s ability to control the narrative. For obvious reasons, when you look at our country’s history, being called a “racist” is one of the most damning labels on a societal level. The left knows this. They do their very best, and are usually successful, in finding a way to label all of their political enemies “racist” in an attempt to shut down or derail the discussion, even if the discussion has nothing to do with race. This is especially true when trying to have a discussion about the dangers of Islam. It is easier to just continually attack someone’s character than it is to defend an ideology that you know is indefensible.

I want to quickly address a few myths perpetuated by the left regarding Islam. First, that the number of Muslims who exercise a literal translation of the Quran is insignificant. According to Pew Research, a significant majority of Muslims, who don’t necessarily live in a place with institutionalized Sharia, support Sharia law as an effective legal code and favor harsh, capital punishment for the infidels that violate the tenants of Islam. Here are just a few examples:

  • Percentage of Muslims who support stoning as a state-sanctioned punishment for adultery: 86% in Pakistan, 81% in Palestinian areas, 80% in Egypt, and 57% in Iraq.
  • Percentage of Muslims who support the death penalty for apostasy: 88% in Egypt, 79% in Afghanistan, 83% in Jordan.
  • In June 2017, a man was sentenced to death in Pakistan for “blaspheming” on Facebook.

There are roughly 81 million Muslims in Egypt, which means over 71 million people support Islamism and capital punishment for violating Islamic code in Egypt alone. Billions of Muslims worldwide support genital mutilation and the literal caning of women in the streets for speaking to a man that isn’t her husband, and support repressing other women’s rights including driving a car or owning property, as well the extinguishing of all political and religious minorities, and the public execution of LGBT people. Why do the same progressives, feminists, and social-justice warriors who claim to care about perceived oppression, bigotry, misogyny, and homophobia in the United States close a blind eye to the heinous injustices in Islamic countries?

Keeping those statistics in mind, I’d like to address the other non-sequitur coming from the left: the idea that ISIS is comparable to the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK. The WBC consists of about 12 inbred people, and the idea that the KKK is still thriving in America is a fantasy. In addition, a basic study into the teachings of Christianity will show you why this is lunacy. These groups act in direct opposition to the teachings of the Bible. While the Old Testament is filled with “one-liners” that you could pull both in and out of context, what Islam apologists fail to realize is that the Old Testament is not the governing rulebook for Christianity, the teachings of Jesus Christ are. For Christians, Jesus came to “fulfill” or “complete” the Old Law, and the actions taken by these small numbered radicals are certainly in conflict with His teachings. Christian churches across the globe are not preaching in defense of the WBC or KKK, they in fact preach the literal opposite. On the other hand, Sharia law and the violence and jihad it encourages is formed directly from instructions in the Quran and the Hadith, and is supported and preached daily to billions of followers.

By refusing to see Islam’s role in the imploding of the Middle East, as well as the dangerous spread of terrorists to the west, the left prevents the reform that Islam needs. Unlike Christianity, which Islam apologists will continuously make illogical analogies to, there has never been a reform to Islam. While the medieval era featured Christianity as a political ideology, separation of church and state is a core tenant of the Judeo-Christian founded West. While the number of Christians in any given society may be the majority, the practicing of faith is mainly done in private, in homes or churches. No major Islamic school of thought has sought to separate the private spirituality of its members from the public Islamic state. Islam, as many Muslims practice it, is a totalitarian ideology. In their eyes, there can be no separation.

On another interesting note, leftists will go blue in the face telling you that Islam has nothing to do with the atrocities literally committed in its name, and then in the same breath tell you that Donald Trump is responsible for every crime committed by white men since he has been on the campaign trail because of his “dangerous and hateful rhetoric.” Those are some impressive mental gymnastics.

You’ve heard the saying “the enemy of your enemy is your friend.” This has led to many nefarious partnerships throughout history, some recent examples include the Republican Party with Donald Trump and the modern-left with Islamism. We are seeing Republicans bend their principles at will to Trumpism, and we are seeing the left begin to normalize and mainstream violence towards those with whom they disagree. It is easy to forgive or overlook someone’s flaws if you feel that you’re working towards the same goals. The left believes the ends justify the means. The left discourages and represses free-thinking. The left preaches a deep hatred of the western Judeo-Christian society, traditions, and values. So, why is the left directly preventing the much-needed reform of Islam? They certainly don’t want to admit it, and I know this sounds extreme, but I’d encourage you to think hard on this proposal:  leftists are more ideologically aligned with ISIS than they are with the Americans on the other side of the aisle.

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Luke Garrison

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  1. What a crap article…. Why don’t you ask “Christians” how many of them want to bomb Iran ?

      • Correct..so when he quotes the number of Muslims that support the words of Koran its a bullshit move… American “Christians” have killed way more people no matter what they claim to support. Also stating how Islam needs to be reformed ..totally ignores how westernized these countries were before Britain and the US overthrew leaders for control of oil thus promoting hatred and the rise of militants. Blaming this on a religion instead of politics if a fools game

        • Its not about defending Islam its about the hypocrisy ….Fuck Islam and all religions.Now address the real unlawfulness of the US and the support and promoting of the insane Wahhabi and the Saudi state

    • Does not Iran publicly lust after and incite its public to bay after the blood of Israelis and Americans? Such public incitement is an crime. Are you on Iran’s side of this not insignificant matter?

      • No they don’t….you seem to still be under the Fox News propaganda and not grasping the difference of people hating the state of Israel and not Jews. There are thousands of Jews in Iran …this is all politic about control of oil and a petro dollar

          • You clearly dont grasp colloquialism … they get stuck in traffic and say death to traffic. It means to curse at not literal . Besides Iran has done nothing while the US supports the Saudi terrorists

          • I agree, the US foreign policy is fundamentally flawed in a big way. I do however very much understand Middle Eastern hyperbole – I have experience of the region and I understand the mindset.

            The public displays of anger are related but since the hyperbole is orchestrated at the state level in Iran, also North Korea, there’s something really dangerous and evil about that. Nasser 50 years ago really cashed in for his country by using that tactic as well.

            The point is – the public baying for blood as previewed by the American Left is only a very few steps away from the scope and potential for harm as the above examples. Emotional identity politics hobbles rationality. All the above drink from the same sewer.

          • Your worst enemy and the most likely to harm you or your family wear suits and work near Virginia …

        • Are you still babbling on about Fox News? I thought you guys had retired that infinitely lame knee-jerk response to any departure from leftist groupthink.

  2. Well – I don’t think this is a crap article at all. I do have one question for you though: do you have trouble going through the metal detector at the airport? I would think your brass balls might set off their systems. You boldly identify the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.

  3. Muslims will take it too far at some point. Be it a dirty bomb in the middle of a large city or an actual nuclear attack coming from the likes of Pakistan or Iran. Only then, when hundreds of thousands die in a flash will we be ready to kill all Muslims and burn all the Korans. It is necessary now, but I think it will take actual Armageddon against the West to finally admit and commit.

  4. […] Sadly, many of us are adjusting to the idea that this is becoming just part of our day-to-day life, and we just need to get used to it. It is unfortunate that we have no way of identifying the threat and preventing the attacks. It’s too bad there is no common factor that links these attacks together. It’s too bad these murderers pledge allegiance to only themselves, showing their devotion to being a lone wolf. It is good, however, that we can rule out one possible cause. Not only have we heard it from the left and their media, but before each violent slaughter, the attackers usually shout “This has nothing to do with Islam.” […]

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