Libertarian Podcasts you should listen to


One easy way to promote libertarianism is to help make it findable. One way to do that is to subscribe to libertarian podcasts on iTunes and give them 5 star reviews, which makes them show up in search results more often.

Here is a list of many great podcasts:

Sharing this image may not be a bad idea either, but ever thought of starting your own podcast?

It’s easy! I use a platform called that makes starting your own podcast quite simple. Although, of course, you have to promote your podcast afterwords, for which I’ve created a helpful guide.

The point being is that the more we saturate the internet with libertarianism – the more likely it will be for the following generations to stumble upon liberty. We plant the seeds for the next libertarian generation by creating libertarian media.

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Alex Merced is a latino libertarian activist. Alex also runs the AlexMercedCast Podcast, LibertarianWingMedia,com, and is an active member of the Libertarian Party. Alex Merced is currently running for the U.S. Senate seat in New York against Chuck Schumer in 2016.