Lt. Gen. Flynn: “Egypt Is A Bullet Away From Anarchy”


On this edition of Being Libertarian Presents, Charles Peralo and Neil McGettigan interviewed retired Army officer, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Flynn served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was under heavy consideration for Trump’s VP slot, and is the author of The Field Of Flight.

He discussed the VP consideration, calling it an honor, especially in light of his small town background. He asserted that he believes Trump has a “much longer term vision for our country than just the next four years,” and said that he has observed us intervening in conflicts that we should never have been involved in.

Flynn said that the issue of foreign policy “isn’t just interventionism, it’s about making smarter decisions” in general. Flynn called Libya a disaster, a failed state, and also expressed worry about the possibility of a looming countrywide collapse in Egypt, saying that country is a “bullet away from anarchy”.

When asked if he would be in position to be — and would like to be — Secretary of State if Trump wins the election in November, Flynn, while extremely flattered, posited that he’s not concerned with his next job.

He then condemned the Iran deal, and discussed some of the international issues that plague the world, and how the U.S. has failed in terms of foreign policy. Flynn also noted that the average age of the 400 people in the State Department is 33 years old, and said that a lack of experience is leading to our failed foreign policy. He also later said that the lack of senior executive leadership leads to the dis-coordination within government.

On the topic of NATO, and the fact that we pay between 60% and 70% of the tab of NATO’s expenses, Flynn stated that we need to renegotiate the deal.

In closing, Flynn went against the Trump campaign in saying that Gary Johnson should be included in the debates, even if he personally believes that they don’t have a legitimate shot at winning.

You can catch the full interview above.

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