Missouri LP Adopts Resolution In Support of Cuban Libertarian Party


Last July, I made the decision to dedicate a part of my activism to the Partdio Libertario Cubano-Jose Marti (the Libertarian Party of Cuba-Jose Marti) and spreading the stories of their fight to bring libertarian values to a brutal, one-party dictatorship. I took this fervor to the Missouri Libertarian Party state convention where I intended to move to have the party join the Libertarian Party of Tennessee in adopting a variation their resolution supporting the Cuban party. Surprisingly, many of the party had heard of the Cubans’ struggles through my coverage at the Libertarian Vindicator and were enthusiastically supportive, with one member even suggesting sending a Spanish copy of Tom Sawyer to show solidarity.

After a year of waiting, the resolution is finally able to be published.

Adopted July 22, 2017

Since the founding of the Partido Libertario Cubano – Jose Marti in May, the party has had their headquarters raided, their members arrested multiple times for speaking out against the oppressive Castro regime, and protests halted by police before they could even begin. If Libertarians desire to maintain the claim that we fight for Liberty at home and abroad, then the time must arise where we speak out against these atrocities.

The Missouri Libertarian Party, joining the Libertarian Party of Tennessee, realizes that it is our duty to support our Libertarian brothers and sisters from across the pond.

With the expansion of the Cuban LP to three branches, it is evident that the seeds of liberty are growing into a mighty forest that can overthrow an oppressive state.

Because of the bravery and persistence of these freedom fighters, we, the Missouri Libertarian Party, adopt the following as our resolution to answer their faith:

In Fruition of a United Liberty Diaspora for Our Cuban Brothers and Sisters:

A Resolution to Inspire a Libertarian Coalition to Foist Awareness that Inspires Action in Defense of the Cuban Libertarian Founder, President, and Vice President, all of whom have been Arrested and Detained by the Castro Dictatorship.

INDEED, Cuban Libertarian activists have been arrested, detained, robbed, and beaten by Cuban government agents;

INDEED, After and in courageous response to abuses of Libertarian activists by the Castro dictatorship, the Partido Libertario Cubano-Jose Martin (Cuban LP), was launched;

INDEED, Partido Libertario Cubano-Jose Martin finds its genesis in the reverence of an unrealized but envisioned Liberty, with Libertarian literature as its muse;

INDEED, The antidote to despotism is advocating for the unlawful, often despising the lawful, distinguishing between morality and legality;

INDEED, Nelson Luis Rodriguez Chartrand, Caridad Ramirez Utria, and Heriberto Pons Ruiz have all been arrested and detained by the totalitarian Castro regime with Liberation Philosophy being detainment’s cause;

INDEED, Oppressive monoliths of dynastic partisans are noxious to communities and associations predicated upon personal freedom;

INDEED, Nelson, Caridad, and Heriberto are the tip of the spear in one such rare and courageous association in the belly of Castro’s own gulag archipelago;

Let it be concretely and repeatedly resolved that the Missouri Libertarian Party is compelled to inspire a coalition with any and all individual Libertarians, any and all county, state, or national Libertarian parties, in the interest of gaining the imaginations, compassions, and enthusiasms of our Liberty Diaspora on behalf of these Cuban Thomas Paines.

In the Ambition of Liberty,

The Missouri Libertarian Party, USA

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Luke Henderson

In 2016, Luke W. Henderson began his writing career by diving into the world of politics and philosophy. Beginning as a guest writer for Being Libertarian and a staff writer for the Libertarian Vindicator, Luke established a reputation as an uncompromising journalist, and a creative analyst. Eventually, he became a staff writer for Being Libertarian where he has written over 70 articles and columns. In 2019, he released his first published essays in 'Igniting Liberty: Voices For Freedom Around The World', a collection of libertarian ideas from contributors spanning four continents. Currently, Luke is a graduate student seeking his Master of Communications and serves as the Marketing Editor for Being Libertarian focusing on strategies and content development primarily for Champion Books. Luke also has contributed to Think Liberty, St. Louis Public News and Antiwar.com.

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