North Korean Nukes, New Deal Blues (or Greens?), and Italian Intrigue in France


Welcome back to the Being Libertarian news roundup where we put together all of the important news in one easy place so that you, the reader, don’t miss anything that’s happened in the crazy world of ours.


  • Being Libertarian’s subsidiary Champion Books has officially launched its first book, Igniting Liberty! Read more on the launch and where to get it here.


  • A new UN report has come out stating that North Korea’s nuclear missile program is apparently still intact.
  • China and Taiwan have released clashing videos for the lunar new year, wherein China is promoting the reclamation of Taiwan, while Taiwan countered by declaring their military is always on standby against such an advance.
  • Afghan political leaders sat down in Moscow recently to meet with leaders of the Taliban to discuss reaching a form of political peace in their regions.
  • Read more on these stories here.


  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled and quickly took down an FAQ to answer concerns about her Green New Deal, which controversially included a line supporting welfare for those unwilling to work. Read more on this story here.
  • A draft bill uncovered by the New Democrat Party in Ontario, Canada, shows the possibility of the sitting government privatizing a portion of the province’s healthcare.
  • A handful of new candidates have emerged on the scene to run for the Democratic Party nomination for the upcoming presidential election in the United States.
  • Read more on these stories here.


  • David Attenborough’s recent speech in Davos for the World Economic Forum inadvertently echoed a possible future for South Africa. Read more here.
  • Stephan Grootes recently published an article related to the expropriation of land as an economic positive. Read the rebuttal here.
  • President Ramaphosa delivered his second State of the Nation address (SONA 2019). Read up on what happened here.


  • Prime Minister Theresa May continues to push toward some form of a deal before the Brexit deadline comes to pass.
  • Tensions rise between France and Italy over the latter’s Deputy Prime Minister meeting with members of the Yellow Vest Movement to discuss their planned political campaign.
  • Famed soccer player John Barnes came out in defense of actor Liam Neeson over Neeson’s comments regarding wanting to kill a black man in the past.
  • Read more on these stories here.

Was there a story that you didn’t see above or are you interested in contributing an article of your own? Visit this page to submit your article and you could see it published!

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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.'

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