The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, recently signed an executive order adding the COVID vaccine to the list of inoculations required to attend public school. Newsom’s dictatorial pen stroke was preemptive, as the vaccine is not yet even approved for children under the age of 12. The expected approval date, per Newsom’s official website, is hoped to be sometime between January 2022 and July 2022. Then, it becomes the first state in the nation to make it mandatory for kids “K-12.” Before then, I can only pity the luckless high schoolers whose parents are not resisting this tyrannical policy.
All across the country, medical freedom is being trampled upon. California is just happy to lead the way. The Los Angeles City Council has just gone further than San Francisco, which passed vaccine mandate legislation back in August. In either of those two major cities, if you want to walk through practically any door – be it restaurants, gyms, theaters, or shopping centers – you will be asked to show proof that you’ve been vaccinated. (It’s something that still needs to be answered: How many businesses are doing this by their own volition, and how many are doing so under pressure from the state?)
I consider myself a refugee from California, having recently resettled – happily – in Arizona. I like to refer to my former native state as the Pyrite State, because California is no land of gold. Rather, it is full of high class tyrants and low level criminals, neither of which care about the rights of parents, business owners, or taxpayers. Too many otherwise decent people, who could move if they wished to, choose instead to tolerate instead of resisting those abusive policies. Its full of fools, thus comprised of pyrite.
My family chose differently, and we truly feel like we’ve dodged a bullet. It is so very nice to breath freely, never having to worry about some maniac screaming at you for not wearing a mask. But being paranoid of a different sort, I can’t help but worry: what about the rest of the world, or at least here in America? What about my new state? As it is, an Arizona judge just struck down Governor Ducey’s ban on mask mandates, so now we’re waiting to see if the schools are going to make us suffocate our children and if we, too, will have to begin resisting the same medical tyranny.
Elsewhere, we find Pres. Joe Biden, who’s barely able to string together a coherent sentence (it’s meant as no offense to the elderly, but senility is fairly common for that age group), but still somehow manages to lie as only a career politician can. In December of 2020, Biden said there would be no such mandates. Now he’s instructed his labor department to give a citation to any business (with more than 100 employees) that refuses to force the injection upon their staff, or else subject them to weekly testing. Of course, the diktat compels all businesses in the nation, accounting for some 80 million people.
While getting his COVID booster shot, Biden was asked how many Americans need to get vaccinated. His answer: “Look … I think … we need to get the vast majority … like some industries, some schools … 97, 98 percent.”
There’s a couple scandals running concurrently here.
For one thing, because the CDC stopped tracking “breakthrough cases” earlier this year, we have no idea how effective the vaccine really is. And while we keep hearing that the vaccinated are far less likely to contract the virus, anecdotal stories and reports strongly suggest otherwise. A bunch of fully-vaxxed democrats who took a drip to DC got it. Israel’s population is highly vaccinated, and their infection rates seem to be through the roof. Then there’s the prison in Texas, where a whopping 70% of fully-vaxxed inmates also contracted the virus. Doesn’t seem like a very effective vaccine at all.
And this is on top of the other scandal: the absolute refusal to acknowledge natural immunity. Because the COVID tests have never been reliably accurate, we still can’t be sure how many people – both in this country, and in the world – have recovered from the virus. Despite these people having stronger and longer-lasting immunity, the bile-inducing huckster named Anthony Fauci continues to insist that they too receive the vaccine.
I consider myself a refugee from California, having recently resettled – happily – in Arizona. I like to refer to my former native state as the Pyrite State, because California is no land of gold. Rather, it is full of high class tyrants and low level criminals, neither of which care about the rights of parents, business owners, or taxpayers. Too many otherwise decent people, who could move if they wished to, choose instead to tolerate instead of resisting those abusive policies. Its full of fools, thus comprised of pyrite.
KM Patten
Fauci is no more a scientist than Newsom is a leader. Both play important roles in what Klaus Schwab calls The Great Reset, which is basically a restructuring of the entire world. And you? You’re nothing more than a cog in the machine. Be quiet and do as you’re told, without resisting.
For this we must resist. We who believe in medical freedom and the right to control our own bodies (Yes, I alone will include the right to evict a fetus from your womb), must find the courage to say enough! Businesses that have mandates should be boycotted. Legislators who pass vaccine mandates should be replaced by ones who won’t. Meanwhile, we must make use of all such exemptions, be it religious or personal. (Thankfully, some exemption clauses remain in California’s mandates). If there’s any way out of this, we begin resisting only after we’ve rediscovered our backbones.
KM Patten is a secular, right-leaning libertarian and the Arizona correspondent for Stairway Press. He has published one book, Indictments from the Convicted, which you can buy on Amazon. He’s currently working on a series of articles about The Great Reset.
Mike Ursery
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