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Is Julian Assange Dead? Maybe Not

Wikileaks published what appears to be “deadman switch” tags that only become active in the event of a crisis. The way they work is that in the event that Julian Assange meets with an unfortunate incident, these hashtags allows for the decrypting of files that will be made available to the public. It is basically an insurance policy in case Assange has one of those “accidents” which are going around lately when someone interferes with Hillary Clinton.

Is He Dead?

An update on the situation has revealed that the hashtags were in fact not deadman switch passwords. Instead, they were a digital fingerprint that is used to prove authenticity. It is possible that this was done to prepare for future releases. It is speculated that the future releases will involve John Kerry, Ecuador, and the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

A Reason to be Afraid?

A month ago, a man was found climbing the side of the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Julian Assange happens to reside. Mr. Assange is staying there while he faces extradition charges. The plot thickened when said strange man was not successfully captured. Nerves are on alert since Assange confirmed that the late Seth Rich was indeed the Democratic National Committee source who leaked damning evidence against the Committee.

Seth Rich died under mysteries circumstances when he was found with two gunshot wounds to the head near his Washington, DC apartment. Reports said it was a robbery but nothing was stolen from the young man. Some speculate that his death was due to his efforts to release information to Wikileaks that exposed the DNC for colluding with Clinton to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders. Later releases from Wikileaks confirmed that this is what in fact transpired. Debbie Schultz, then-President of the DNC, resigned, only to be hired by Hillary Clinton’s camp.

Is Julian Assange’s Life in Danger?

Well, there has been an ongoing conspiracy theory that the Clintons have caused the untimely deaths of quite a number of people. Shawn Lucas, lead attorney for a fraud case against the DNC filed by Bernie Sanders supporters, is such a case. He was found dead on the floor of his own bathroom. Reports stated that he was in relatively good health.

In addition, Clinton has already hinted at wanting the death of Julian Assange when she inquired if he could be killed with a drone strike during a state briefing. She recently claimed that she has no recollection of making such a remark and that if she did make such a remark, it was made in jest. I am not sure how much of a joke it is for someone with a high position in the government to want someone dead; especially since it has been known for some time that President Obama has had a kill list which he used to justify the liberal use of drone strikes.

I am sure that I am not the only one that hopes that Julian Assange remains safe and keeps on leaking important material.

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Gary St. Fleur

Gary St. Fleur is the founder of Save Scranton, an organization that campaigns against the corruption and malfeasance in the North Eastern Pennsylvania area, by utilizing grassroots efforts to enact reform.

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