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Road to Anarchapulco: Day 3


Since when do anarchists have deadlines? That’s hardly what I signed up for when agreeing to go to Anarchapulco. It’s easy to be distracted from your writing with a good looking blonde in a paisley print bikini making eyes at you. She’s a yoga instructor I’m told, and trust me, I wish I could blame my non-productivity on the type of rampant hedonism I was expecting, but it’s not the case.

I haven’t been invited to any orgies. There’s not a single a person shooting smack on the beach.  And even inquiring about the consumption of dangerous substances only leaves a person contemplating their decisions. Not from any kind of imposed shame or judgment but rather from a place of inspiration.

A conversation poolside about the drug culture will have you booking a flight to deep into the Jungles of Peru, to look for answers you can’t seem to find at home.

“I take the drink.” The shaman asks me if I want to drink strong or light? If I want to go deep into my trauma I’m holding? If I’m ready to heal? “Yes please. Strong.”


“As the medicine comes in I am terrified. The medicine is not gentle, and also highly effective.” The woman beside us was a health and wellness professional. She’s been to the ceremonies here at Anarchapulco and she wasn’t inexperienced with “the medicinebefore that. I had contemplated participating myself but the dietary recommendations were a little strict for my libertine lifestyle.

“So, what’s with it being banned in America?” I ask.

“When you look at the benefits of the medicine it’s no mystery. The side effects of Ayahuasca may include:  the discovery that you are whole and complete.”

This is the cure for anyone who predicates their life with needing more. More speed, more booze, more sex, more anything better, faster etc.  This remedy cures the addiction of consumption. Uh oh, we wouldn’t want that would we Wall Street? You discover that you are the one to empower yourself.

So now I’m no longer dependent on the media to feed me fear. Ayahuasca may scare the shit out of you. It’s the ego death, and consequently the last thing you will want after consuming it is plastic; the fear based media. You now know you are powerful, it’s clear.

In preparation for [the medicine], we must eliminate corporate hell-based food from our diet, leaving us with a clean diet that honestly feels like heaven. In order to administrate this medicine to cure ourselves, we need to cleanse, and of course cleansing isn’t profitable. Period.

This medicine reconnects us with the Divine Mother, or Gaia, or the earth. Suddenly single serve society doesn’t work, we are too awake and connected to be wasteful, be cruel and ultimately a consumer. Suddenly, you love your body, honor your logic, and begin to see beyond the veil we’ve been sold. Which is another ‘uh-oh moment’ for big pharmacy and big rehab [companies].”

I must admit it’s a lot to take in after a night of stiff rum-based drinks and a day of too much sun. It’s not that I’m not interested, I am, and again I had declined to participate because I had planned on bringing my demons along for the wild ride this weekend.  If there’s one thing I know about Ayahuasca, it’s that you have to respect the medicine! Show up there looking for cheap kicks and you will be brutally punished, the type of face grinding on asphalt you deserve for not sorting yourself out sooner.

I tell her “I’m more the kind of stockpile gold and ammunition for the zombie apocalypse kind of anarchist.”  Her retort: “Ayahuasca is the solution to the zombie apocalypse. It cures addiction.  And yet that’s illegal to claim, because “they” even own the word medicine.  It also cures a failure to bond. Leaving you with a healthy connection to all of the life around you.”

“the medicine” purges trauma, gives you a sober view of what happened, and why, and has you be complete. It has the power to collapse any socialized health care system and that’s an attractive idea around here.  She also spent some time advising me on some substances and their benefits that I found amazing:

The problem with these products isn’t their efficacy, it isn’t what it would take to use them in a good way, even clinically to solve the problems that we aren’t solving now. It’s that they aren’t profitable. These are plants and these cures cost pennies, and therefore the government keeps them illegal and inaccessible to anyone suffering and scared to break the law.

I had a giant coconut full of rum. I was suddenly quite conscious of its weight. I put it down and gave up trying to crack any jokes. She was serious. Not that I had offended her, she ascribes to the same philosophy as the rest of us here: Do whatever blows your hair back, just don’t tread on me. But there’s a deep spiritual connection to the universe that is experienced in ceremony and given that she was using the medicine to heal I’d try to be respectful.

She was gracious enough to tell me some very personal thing.  “I had been medicated for depression for over 10 years of my life, and for post postpartum depression even longer and finally decided it was bullshit.  I had sought help numerous times for addictions. The answer was just more pills, which made the sickness worse and destroyed my gut both digestively and instinctually.

The physicians who treated me had taken the Hippocratic Oath, and therefore made a commitment to treat me in the most effective way possible, for the least amount of money possible. They are all in violation of this as long as we criminalize the things that can solve trauma and addiction. These plants are integral for the future of our mental health, our aboriginal communities, any hopes of surmounting the opiate crisis and this means families that work in the end.”

Now, there’s no shortage of health and wellness freaks here, a heavy percentage of the players (the term allocated to participants of the conference) are of that ilk. Another large group is the liberty minded political weirdos. There are 2 or 3 of us that came for the mayhem and the rest are here because of crypto. And every combination of these categories is represented.

I made it to the conference hall to listen to G. Edward Griffin. The guy with the soothing Grandfatherly voice who wrote ‘The Creature From Jekyl Island.’ He’s been at this a long time. ‘The Fearful Master’ was published in 1964. For around 50 years they called him a crazy right wing conspiracy nut. Now they just call him correct. His books are staple pieces of literature for advocates of less government and more freedom.

Subjects in the auditorium ranged from Mark Passio’s ‘Anarchy and the Occult’ to Tim Moen’s ‘Confronting Chaos like a Firefighter.’
I’m kicking myself for not attending Adam Kokesh and Cynthia McKinney debate post-political speed dating. I had a chance to chat with Adam a couple years back over a beer and he’s just a really nice guy with a good sense of humor, and always entertaining on stage.

The absence of hard drugs and promiscuity is a tricky box to unpack here. I haven’t seen a whole lot of debauchery, there was one guy at the end of the bar that got a little loud, but the crypto guys are up to some wild things when it comes to servicing clients on the dark web. Technical stuff that’s over my head. Guys in suits and ties openly talking about how crypto can best service cocaine dealers and they’re sitting in the Starbucks. There’s no judgement on their part. They’re just recognizing a whole in the marketplace that they can capitalize on filling.

Last night at the Being Libertarian meet-up, I was an hour late, but was still invited to a party for some kind of hooker coin? I forget the name, but I guess it allows you to pay for the ladies service through blockchain, and I’m assuming that their encrypted messaging function will alleviate the uncomfortableness of your wife going through your text box.

I didn’t go to the party though. It was time to relax on the terrace with some cheap Mexican wine and listen to the waves crash in. The nights stay hot and humid. If I had wanted to lounge around on the deck without any clothes on at all, only for the sake of cooling off, I doubt anyone would have bat an eye. There was sliver of the waxing crescent moon and it seemed to hang in the sky in a more horizontal fashion than usual. You can hear a good deal of laughter and warm tidings from the small intimate crowds scattered loosely around the resort.  It’s a good place to sit and think.

And try to meet your deadlines.

Darcy Gerow and Charis Curtis

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