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The Entitled Breeder Part 2: Public Education


In my last “entitled breeder” article, I spoke about how a non-attentive parent and their child could cause serious damage to both public and private property. I spoke about the reality, that keeping a child safe is solely the responsibility of their parents – or other caretaker – and that’s also how I feel about their education.

Now let me be clear, I am not saying I want an under-educated society. Quite the opposite. And that’s part of the reason why I want one of two things. Either privatize the entire school system, or have a section on our tax forms for parents so it is them, and only them, whose taxes fund our failed public-school system.

You see, what enables the entitled breeder mentality are safety nets. Why worry about building a life – savings, property ownership – when John Q. Taxpayer has your back? The false narrative is that if we have socialized education it will provide quality education for all. Sounds an awful lot like the Affordable Care Act, and we have seen how that has gone.

One of the biggest arguments against privatizing education is “the creationists” (or whatever bogeyman the left fears) will indoctrinate their children with religion. But guess what? They are sending them to public school on our tax dollars and then indoctrinating them with this as soon as they get home anyway. So, what’s the difference? Besides, I would say our public-school system is already doing enough indoctrinating on its own.

And that’s actually a terrible argument anyway. If you wanted to raise your children to be vegans or to believe there was something wrong with being white, I wouldn’t want the government stopping you from that. It’s simple really. It’s none of my business and it’s none of their business.

According to a Google search on that very question, the American taxpayer spent $634 billion in the 2015-2016 school year. That’s $12,509 per public school student. That’s a lot of money just to produce a generation of children that are going to college with this knowledge and deciding “I want a gender studies degree.”

Some would argue that this is an “investment” in our future, both as a country and Western society as a whole. I would argue that investments are made voluntarily. That when I invest in something, I am able to do market research and decide of my own volition whether or not to invest.

This will always come back to accountability for me. Who is ultimately responsible for a child? The answer will always be the parents! The fact that I – or anybody – must point this out is truly sad. The argument from other purported libertarians and constitutional conservatives who preach small government will always have some backwards basis in the worst type of virtue signaling. It will always be a false, disingenuous attempt to make you feel bad for not putting their “precious darlings” above anything else in your life.

We live in a marvelous time, technologically speaking. The ability to homeschool in an efficient manner is better than ever before. Why more parents are not taking advantage of this is completely bewildering to me. Any person who has ever used the word “indoctrination“ would no longer have a valid defense of such an accusation. Parents and caretakers from all sides of the political spectrum could rejoice in steering their little vessel towards the goal post of their choosing.

The reason why they are not doing this is because we live in a society of “act now, think later.” A society where people start families without being fully prepared. And it’s not just limited to the lower class with limited skills. The middle class is known for starting a family long before they are on secure financial footing. I see many of these young professionals, not even 30 years old and still paying off college loans, already married with multiple children. What kind of life is that?

People will always be entitled to have children, always! If that is your bliss, I wish not to rob you of it. I simply do not want to pay for it.

So, I urge you to prepare for parenthood. Don’t be afraid to start having children in your 30’s. Invest in your career first, even waiting to get a few promotions. You might just find that having offspring that aren’t a tax burden is a rewarding feeling. Plus, as we know, taxation is theft, even when it’s your kid.

Featured image: Michael Anderson

* Bryce Jackson is a cook and writer from Chelsea, Vermont, who lives in Woodstock where he takes care of his two rescue dogs and his 71-year-old Vietnam veteran father.

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