Vann Gutier, the Tour Manager for Adam Kokesh’s “FOR THE LOVE OF FREEDOM!” tour, contacted Being Libertarian to explain why he thinks some staffers for Kokesh abandoned his nascent 2020 presidential campaign.
The final straw for many of his campaign staff was a contract that Kokesh allegedly coerced his ex-girlfriend, Macey Oehlenschlager, to sign. The contract, pictured above, is a list of commitments and demands. The contract allegedly sparked outrage within the campaign, adding to the interpersonal problems that allegedly already existed between Kokesh and his staff, and as such many members walked out.
Oehlenschlager stated to Being Libertarian, “Adam insisted I write up a contract because I wasn’t a [sic] living up to his needs. He left me for three days to write and sign the contract and threatened to leave me if I didn’t. I have evidence of Adam admitting he insisted I write the contract…”
When asked why Oehlenschlager would sign such a document, Gutier noted that Kokesh’s ex-girlfriend not only dedicated a lot of her time to help him due to her affection for him, but also said that Kokesh was a “manipulative person.”
Gutier also said that Kokesh was insincere, and too self-involved. The campaign staff saw a rude, ugly side of Kokesh while accompanying him on tour, and it is alleged that he made sexual advances towards some of his volunteers and staff. Gutier expressed concerns about Kokesh’s temperament and personality, and said that “he is unfit to be president of the United States.”
Gutier contributed an opinion article titled “Testimony: Why Adam Kokesh is a Total Fraud” to Liberty Viral earlier today, which contained the following passage:
“With what has transpired over the past month, I would say that I believe the message is on point but the messenger is not who he says he is. I was up-close and personal with him. I saw it all. I discussed it all. I was his voice in the back of his head giving him my point of view and strategizing how we would go forward.
One thing I can say about Adam is that people do tasks for him, and then he takes credit for it. His book is a prime example. If you were paying attention at all to him on his tour, he makes a memorized statement about how he is the “best rip off artist of all time.” HE SAYS IT IN HIS SPEECH! All you have to do is listen!
To be honest, I do take credit for his tour this year. I sweat. I spent days upon days upon days working that damn thing, I was all over it. I did 99 percent of the driving and took 100 percent of his direct, dehumanizing criticism when things wouldn’t go the way he wanted.
I was threatened to be sent home on a bus from Maryland because I woke him up at 1 in the afternoon to tell him we had to get on the road because we had an event at 6 p.m., and I wanted us to be prepared for it.”
Being Libertarian contacted Kokesh, but he did not comment for this story.
UPDATE: Kokesh did, however, post the following on his Facebook page recently:
“Unfortunately, my ex Macey Tomlin Oehlenschlager is circulating a contract that she wrote to reassure me of her commitment to me when I wanted to break up with her. She is telling people that I wrote it and forced her to sign it. Here is the proof that she wrote it in the form of the cover letter that accompanied what she sent to me and the complete document. Shame on those who would turn this into #dramatarian nonsense. I only want the best for Macey, who is clearly disturbed and deserves all the love and support she needs to be well.”
Dillon Eliassen contributed to this story.

Nicholas Amato

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