Being Libertarian Group Welcomes Two New Additions


Being Libertarian LLC is happy to announce the addition of two new entities to our expanding family of libertarian media: Think Liberty and the Rational Standard. Both outlets exist across social media, literature and publications, and multimedia, all of which will now join Being Libertarian in its international journey toward a free society. As part of the acquisition, Vinny Marshall of Think Liberty and Nicholas Woode-Smith of the Rational Standard are joining the Board of Being Libertarian LLC.

Nathaniel Owen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Being Libertarian LLC, had this to say:

The inclusion of Think Liberty and the Rational Standard into our network is a major step for us. Cooperation is an underrated method. Vinny Marshall has worked closely with Being Libertarian for some time, and Nicholas Woode-Smith’s devotion to the cause of liberty was noticable long before there was a Being Libertarian to speak of. The liberty movement has our undivided attention on a global scale, and liberty is not confined to any one country or culture. Expanding into the African continent and into the realm of culture in general was the obvious next step, and I can’t think of anyone better suited to lead these charges than Marshall and Woode-Smith.

Think Liberty

Think Liberty was founded in the summer of 2017 and has grown quickly ever since. A known brand in the liberty movement, Think Liberty‘s goal has been to provide a consistent and principled opinion on real life issues from a libertarian perspective. Think Liberty proudly boasts a considerable network of podcasts, attaining nearly a thousand plays a week which is consistently increasing. Within the Being Libertarian LLC group, Think Liberty will continue providing libertarians with action-inspired articles, insightful commentary, and scintillating podcasts.

Marshall, an integral founder of Think Liberty, said, “Think Liberty is very excited by this news, the opportunities it creates for both parties, and what the future holds. We hope everyone understands that Think Liberty will continue to be the same Think Liberty it’s always been, only now the brand will be able to realize its goals much faster than we’d ever have anticipated prior. Thank you to the Being Libertarian team for noticing the value of our brand, and for giving us the opportunity to work together in an effort to provide a broader segment of the liberty movement the content that we produce.”

Rational Standard

The Rational Standard was founded by myself, Woode-Smith and Christiaan van Huyssteen (who will remain intimately involved with the brand) in 2015 as South African Libertarian, and has since developed into South Africa’s only libertarian publication. In 2016, the Rational Standard published Fallism: One Year of Rational Commentary, a print compilation of the publication’s analyses and articles on fallism — a leftist student political movement built around the notion of free ‘decolonized’ higher education — which to date is the only book to come out against the regressive state of student politics in South Africa. The Rational Standard Podcast has interviewed prominent South African activists, businessmen, and politicians. Despite its niche market in South Africa, the Rational Standard is widely read by South African parliamentarians, policy-makers, and thought leaders. As of 2018, the Rational Standard has been expanding its reach and focus into Africa.

As part of the Being Libertarian LLC group, the Rational Standard will cover Africa-related affairs via social media, multimedia, and publication.

The Managing Editor of the Rational Standard, Woode-Smith, said of the acquisition, “We are pleased to work closer with Being Libertarian after a history of cooperation. We have long shared volunteers and editors, making this a welcome development with a bright future.”

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Martin van Staden is the Editor in Chief of Being Libertarian, Rational Standard, and Champion Books. He has a law degree from the University of Pretoria. His articles represent his own views and beliefs, and not that of any of the organizations he is involved with.