3 Reasons Why GMOs Should NOT be Labeled

gmo foods

I’m going to say it and say it proud: I love GMOs and the idea behind it.

I am proud to support a science with hundreds of peer reviewed studies backing the claim that it works. I am proud to support a science which has not been rebutted by any credible source not found in the dregs of NaturalNews.com. I love how it’s been used globally and has made a real difference getting better yields of crops, larger crops and now far larger fish such as salmon. I am proud that the arguments used against it are normally meaningless conspiracy theories which overuse the name “Monsanto”. I’m happy to see the same people who bash GMOs see no issue in calling selectively bred crops or intentional mutation crops “organic”. I’m proud to live in a world with GMOs and will support them.

With that said, this is not a world where everyone agrees with me. And for the most part, I’ve just shut the anti-GMO movement down and ignored them. I ask them if they are anti-GMO and they’ll normally say yes. I later ask their stances on vaccines, 9/11, chemtrails and many other things, with their answers further diminishing their credibility. And many of these anti-GMO people also seem to hate climate change, dismissing it as a false idea despite clear evidence from many groups that it does exist. There’s one effort in the anti-GMO community that has captured some pro-GMO people. That is this sadly existing group of people saying “Well, consumer choice” or “I like to know what’s in my food.”. With that… It’s time for me to make a top three list just saying why I don’t support GMO labeling and why no one should.

1. It’s Hypocrisy

gmo foods

Many people have used the argument, time and again going “Consumers deserve to know!”. Ignoring the mountains of things such as the Internet, company provided phone services or just the fact almost all non-GMO products are labeled, allowed consumers to assume GMO products are not labeled “non-GMO”, this argument hold to try and keep the labels in the name of consumer awareness.

While one could just argue some points on why labels aren’t a good idea and liability should be enough for self-regulation, that’s simply too deep of an argument for one article. The real argument holds simple. People consume a ton of food where there’s little to no labeling laws at all. Ever go to a restaurant? Outside of an allergen listing they are required to hold if asked, no labels at all. Ever go to a farmers market? Not labeled! Bakeries? Not labeled! Charitable events serving foods? Not labeled! Fast food? Not labeled in 90%+ of the country and when labeled normally just for calorie content. The fact is consumers normally, on a daily basis, have at least one meal item which had no labeling requirements, but they just did fine. This notion of “Oh the consumer!” falls apart quickly when just looking around and realizing labels for many goods which have far more in terms of cooking and ingredients do not get labeled or touched by regulators.

This hypocrisy should be a large reason to not only not attack GMOs but acknowledge labeling laws could just be a dinosaur making food startups subject to fees in order to comply with an unneeded and out of date regulation.

2. Labels are for important things

Is sugar content important? Yes.

Is calorie content important? Yes.

Is use of transfats important? Yes.

Are GMOs important? No.

GMO’s simply have no real studies providing clear evidence of harm or any change to the consumer. There’s decade-long studies showing no harm at all and no study ha shown any real merit to suggest they do harm. Instead a bunch of fake articles from groups such as Natural News and more that pose nothing as lack logic attempts to counter GMOs.

Looking at closer details, it’s important to note many of the bills to require GMO labeling, mandate the size of the part saying “GMO” would be about a third of the actual label. Distracting consumers in the name of this theory that GMOs are bad in the name of the facts on other food items.

3. People aren’t informed enough

82% of Americans supported GMO labeling. Yet at the same time, 80% want to label if the food contains DNA. The majority of Americans actually do believe eating a GMO food item could mutate them and make them need to join a bald guy in a wheelchair to go fight a man who can bend metal. People simply aren’t smart enough on this issue. They don’t know what GMOs really are and can’t make a responsible choice when it’s put in front of them, sadly. They don’t know the science, they don’t know the facts and just putting this in front of their face is biased.

Concluding thoughts

My conclusions is that I’m an inventor and currently have three products in development which are food. I proudly hope each one of them can use GMOs. GMOs have lowered the cost of food, provided farmers with far better yields and been a very low profit industry on a whole improving the world. What is pressing however is this push from the Big Organic lobby. Companies such as Ben & Jerry’s, Whole Foods and more which are all standing to benefit from wrongful regulation of GMOs and an attack on science. Also, if Monsanto is believed to be this mega company, it’s important to note that they are in terms of revenue doing $30 billion a year which matches Whole Foods and is just twice the size of Ben & Jerry’s. They, Whole Foods and dozens of other organic food companies all donate millions to Washington lobbyists in the same manner that Monsanto is accused of, but more money when dollars and cents are counted.

Finally, I’d enjoy sharing this fun and simple video showing a real case for why GMOs are harmless and why many products labeled “organic” are not organic at all when factoring in centuries of selective breeding and use of radiation to cause mutations to the crop.

For that, eat healthy & eat GMO.

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