Black Friday for Libertarians: Liberty Classroom Review


Watch my video Thanksgiving Greeting here.

I’ve always advocated that there are four steps to you improving your own personal liberty.

– Improving your health: The better your health, the more choices you have available;

– Improving your knowledge: So you understand the choices available to you;

– Improving your skills: More skills means more choices for employment;

– Improving your relationships with others: People can open doors that weren’t open to you before.

So in order improve your skills, learn a new language which cannot only open new employment opportunities but also new places and people. Rocket Languages is having a Black Friday sale, to take part find the links in the image below.

Black Friday
But your knowledge of history, philosophy and economics helps you make better choices about your own life and helps you be a better resource of wisdom for those close to you. Liberty Classroom can make your knowledge grow infinitely, making it a great investment especially at these Black Friday prices, find the link in the image below.

Enjoy your Black Friday with these great deals and improve your personal liberty. For other great gift ideas check out my recommended reading list.

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Alex Merced is a latino libertarian activist. Alex also runs the AlexMercedCast Podcast, LibertarianWingMedia,com, and is an active member of the Libertarian Party. Alex Merced is currently running for the U.S. Senate seat in New York against Chuck Schumer in 2016.