I believe humanity has only one thing that truly distinguishes itself from beasts. It isn’t altruism, humor, or even wit; it’s freedom!
Lions and antelopes have inevitable destinies; to eat, and to be eaten. Even though it may not feel like it when we are caught up in our everyday minutia, mankind is always malleable.
Whether it be from God or nature, humanity is the only living organism where the individuals, that make up said organism, have the ability to be anything they choose.
The unique biological and societal implications of free will have long benefited and, in particular cases, cursed man. When mankind’s drive to become the lion instead of the antelope is cultivated in a free society, we see the historical advantages of liberty echo throughout the modern world. Technological and philosophical advancements such as computers, automobiles, and democracy are examples of this drive; but, when ambition overshadows morality we can see examples of evil in even the freest of societies.
In modern day America, we have been overrun by corporatism, which is affecting our happiness and independence – the very things that separate man from beast are being taken away from us!
We find our world overrun with people who want to make us children for our entire lives.
Our states are raising the legal age to buy tobacco: while right now it seems fine, and seems as if this is in the best interest of the health of all Americans, this leads to a dependency upon the state that cannot be tolerated.
Right now, we see a push to make college similar to high school: free in the financial sense, but in reality, it will cause life-long dependence on the state. Eventually, the state will own the rights to production, which means that we all become antelopes without the freedom to become lions.
Our culture has been taken over by nihilism and hedonism, and it’s affecting our own liberty. Caring and reasoning are growing challenges that only get harder to face with each generation. The world we live in today makes it both easy, and impossible to distract one’s self from the problems it faces. We get all riled up, leave an angry comment, and then turn on an episode of Family Guy and get ready for the next day; it feels as if we have no control, and that is exactly what the people in power want.
Liberty terrifies both Democrats and Republicans alike, which is exactly what our Founding Fathers intended; they wanted the people to intimidate the government. However, in America’s current state, we see the opposite far too often.
There is nothing more important than freedom.
In the world today, we hear a lot of talk about empowerment. I don’t see anything more empowering than the freedom to decide whether I am meant to eat or be eaten.
I understand how this can be concerning, but when you look at the alternative – which is the option to be eaten – liberty becomes the only option!
* Christian Farrar is a young man looking for his place in the world. He wants to fight for what he believes is right and that is libertarianism. He often finds himself frustrated with the apathy his fellow man feels as far as the world today. He love the funny side of the dark side, but that doesn’t mean he finds life meaningless.

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