The Poles have the historical appearance to have been oppressed by both Nazism and the Commies/Marxists. Countries in Eastern Europe who went through being occupied by Nazis and Marxists often speak out loudly about their dangers. Yet, out here in the West, it seems our people are willing to only hear half of it, as the Marxists are spreading like wildfire.
Socialism, National Socialism (Nazism for those who somehow don’t know this), Communism and any other variation of Marixsm, as well as any racial supremacist groups, including the KKK, have no place in the United States. You have the right to your beliefs but you do not have the right to enforce those beliefs on the people via policy and/or law, and this has to be the libertarian position. These political beliefs violate the non-aggression principle, and the overall rights of the individual. If we were to allow any socialist policies to go forth, including such things as universal healthcare or “free” college/university we would be failing (I hate to sound like a collectivist) the people of the United States. Through these types of policies, we, the people, would essentially be financially responsible for the lifestyles and educational choices of the rest of the country through taxation, which brings me to my next point.
The general libertarian view on taxation is that it is coercion. The state is essentially stealing our money through threat of force; this means that the state itself is in violation of the NAP. Would we, in turn, suggest that the state itself be dissolved? Many say yes, yet this enters the realm of anarchism, and less of libertarianism. Libertarianism, as I know it, isn’t for the complete dissolution of government but for the reduction of government. But how can a government exist without money? We’ve already answered this in thousands upon thousands of conversations: through donation and charity.
The government works today as a middle man: it takes our money and funnels it into things such as infrastructure and welfare. It does so via coercion through threat of force and while we know that these services can be provided solely through the market, we must think of those who aren’t capable of a self-sustainable life: seniors, the mentally and physically disabled, and in some cases, children whose parents are unable to provide resources needed to live.
What we need is tax reform and we already know the solution (in fact, we rant about it all the time): volunteerism. Make it so that taxation is a voluntary system and that we, the people, get to decide where our money gets to go to. If you want to donate $2,000 to the welfare of the mentally ill than that’s where the money will go. If you want to donate $10 to fill a pot hole, have at it. In short, the government is supposed to work for the people, but through threatening us in order to provide us services, it is doing more harm than good. Without the threat of jail time or even a forced quota system, government could be, at its essence, a charitable organization. Isn’t that what the government is supposed to be anyways, for the people and by the people?
This being such a radical idea, and already with so many holes in it for a large country to implement suddenly, I would suggest if we want to make any progress towards a truly free and liberty focused society we find a way to test a system such as this. It could be proposed and put up for a vote in a small town somewhere and tried out for a set period of time. Probably the best two things about this theory is that it is doesn’t violate the NAP in any way and that it is a volunteer based system.
In a time of radicals on every side of the aisle and high tensions, I can’t think of a better time to try to actually test out this theory and bring the country back to sanity. Benjamin Franklin supposedly said, “I’m an extreme moderate. I believe anybody not in favor of moderation and compromise ought to be castrated.” It is best that the only radicals in society be those who promote individualism and liberty instead of those who promote collectivism and obedience.
* Jarod Goodwin is an archaeology student in his mid-twenties. He’s worked in the grassroots movement for the election of Jim Webb in 2016, and in informing foreigners and locals alike to the different political sides of things like Brexit, the Dutch election, French election, Canadian, Swedish, and Brazilian politics.

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[…] Marxism, Nazism and a Potentially Radical Theory for Libertarianism – August 20, 2017 […]
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Wow the author is an archaeology student and a libertarian?! I too am an archaeology major and very libertarian. Im honestly shocked im no the only one lol
Right, the Archaeological community doesn’t seem to be very open, politically speaking, I’ve found it surprising as well that there are others.
“But how can a government exist without money? ” Read L. Neil Smith’s “The Probability Broach” and the subsequent sequels to that first novel, all set in the North American Confederacy (which has NOTHING to do with the C.S.A.). In those books he very neatly delivers a workable blueprint for a Libertarian America with no taxes, no laws (as such) and little Government. Science Fiction it may be… but the vision is very real. And the last 150 years is filled with Science Fiction visions that went on to become reality.
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