Poor White Privilege: A Perspective


As I was browsing through MSN.com yesterday, I caught a story out of Westport, Connecticut about an essay contest about what “white privilege” means.  It was not a sponsored link, but a top news story put on by the town’s diversity committee. The essay contest drew some ire from the residents of the town, as it is apparently predominantly white, and a costly community.

This episode begs the question, “What actually is white privilege, and why is it so prevalent that people need to write competing essays in order to bring attention to it?”

When someone uses the term “white privilege,” it is meant to be a term used for someone who enjoys societal benefits simply because he is white. Isn’t that racist? Ironically, this is a sentiment usually coming from a white liberal! Aside from inadvertently shaming themselves (that good ol’ white guilt coursing through their veins), they can’t help but advocate another race or ethnicity over their own. If someone is that dedicated to shaming themselves while promoting another race, we must come to understand what white privilege really is.

As a self-proclaimed leading expert on all things white, I can determine with ease the outline of my privilege. The very first white privilege I discovered is that whites, on average, pay more taxes than any other race in the country, and by a wide margin. Some may say, “Well, that’s because whites are the majority.” However, whites are, per capita, the highest taxed (Yay!).

Second, I looked at what my tax dollars get me in return, i.e., government assistance, or services in general.  As a white man, I am not entitled to anywhere near the benefits members of other races enjoy. Once again, per average, any other reporting race receive an exponentially higher rate of return of goods and services per tax dollar. So, no luck filling my grocery basket, a HUD house or even welfare and childcare assistance, as I am paying in, not taking out.

Third (and last in an effort to keep this short): equality. What does being white give you to be guaranteed equal? Anyone ever heard of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act being imposed on businesses for the benefit of the underutilized white man? How about Affirmative Action? In fact, I can be penalized for NOT hiring a minority, as well as run the risk of being labeled a racist employer if I do not meet a quota. That, in itself, devalues everyone’s ability in order to value their ethnicity.

After reviewing just the tips of my white privilege, I can’t help but feel sorry for that self-shaming white person suffering a self-imposed guilt trip. He completely misses the fact that my sacrifices in taxation prop up the entire thought process trying to guarantee another race benefits from my good fortune (if you want to call it that). By the way, Mr. Shamer, you know those streets you stand on as you protest your own skin color? You’re welcome. After all, you would be standing on dirt if it weren’t for all my white privileges.

Good day, all you poor white privileges.

* Wes Fischer self supporting libertarian focused on shrinking our government one action at a time.

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Wes Fischer

Wes Fischer self supporting libertarian focused on shrinking our government one action at a time.


  1. No offense to poor whites, but there’s no way this is true. A number of ethnic groups have much higher household incomes than whites e.g. Armenian-Americans, Persian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Taiwanese-Americans, etc.

  2. You’re a racist!!!
    Kidding. They’re going after whites for the most obvious reason. Destroy the majority and the other races are easy pickings. Europe. America. As much as libs say they love multiculturalism they despise it. One race, one religion, one language, one slave race to do with as they see fit.

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