Being Libertarian Appoints New Editor-In-Chief


Hello everyone, my name is Killian Hobbs and I am the new Editor-in-Chief for Being Libertarian!

There have been a lot of questions lately around the current status of the website, our publications, and how to get involved. I hope to clarify this in a singular post. Currently, we have had some delays in publishing due to some issues on the back end with our ability to review submissions and contributions. Those issues have, thankfully, been fully corrected now and we are ready to get back to doing what we do best: delivering top-notch libertarian content right to your screens.

I’ve been involved with Being Libertarian for several years now working as the Managing Editor under our previous Editor-in-Chief, Martin Van Staden, and have authored dozens of articles between Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, Vermin Supreme Institute, and several others and published a best seller on argumentation to boot. But enough about me. That, most likely, isn’t why you’re here.

We have plans to expand the scope of what we do through our literature and publications branch over the next several months, and are going as far as taking direct suggestions from the most important people involved: you. We believe in free markets and in letting the market decide. As such, we actually mean it when we say we want to hear from you when it comes to suggestions, ideas, and submissions for our website or our book publishing house; Champion books.

I’ll start by saying this as many people make this mistake: Please do not try to reach out to the publication side through the Facebook page! We get literally hundreds and hundreds of messages per day and many can fall through the cracks. For those that are interested in either submitting an article, potentially pitching a book/pamphlet for full publication, or simply have suggestions for us please use one of the channels listed below at the end of this posting.

I will continue to uphold our values by maintaining our website and publishing house as the premier platform for all voices within the liberty movement. Through the sharing of ideas, educating others about liberty and economics, and being relentless in our mission to further liberty around the world, we cannot help but be successful.

For those interested in contributing or if they have any questions, you can reach out through the following links:

For information on how to submit articles to our website please click here.

For information on how to submit your book idea/completed manuscripts please click here.

Our Editor team can also be contacted directly at (email may change in the future but the other links will continue to work).

Killian Hobbs


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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.'

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