BREAKING: Donald Trump Pulls Off Historic Upset

Message to my Friends in the American Media trump, Republicans

The results of the 2016 presidential election have dropped, and the winner is Donald Trump.

Real Clear Politics has called it, with him being at 277 electoral votes, looking to possibly surpass 300.

The electoral votes are not yet confirmed, but many news outlets have him winning Pennsylvania and Alaska, which puts him over 270 — at 277 if you recognize that Wisconsin has been called for him by most news outlets and she has no path to win.

Most news outlets aren’t projecting a win yet, for whatever reason, though she clearly has no path left to win.

If Trump wins Michigan in addition to the ones already mentioned – all states that he is winning – Trump would surpass 300 electoral votes and rack up 306, assuming he doesn’t win New Hampshire (in which he is down less than a percentage point).

Trump’s win was a generally unexpected win. He put states in play like Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, having won the latter three — which no one expected.

Most electoral college predictions had her primed to win the election, whether it be close or a landslide. Trump started catching up in states like Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and even Michigan, as well as him pulling ahead in Iowa and Ohio. But people and pundits mostly still didn’t buy it whatsoever.

Clinton did end up winning the swing states of Colorado and Nevada.

As for third party candidates, Libertarian Party ticket Gary Johnson racked up 3% of the vote (at the time of the victory, as all the percentages in this article will reflect), failing to hit the 5% mark the ticket was aiming for to retain federal election funds. Evan McMullin, a latecomer Indepedent candidate — an anti-Trump Republican with visibly Mormon campaign — was highly competitive with Trump in Utah got  less than 1%, and did (not) win Utah in the end. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate, garnered 1% of the vote.

Clinton’s campaign was one filled with controversy after WikiLeaks and the political shrinking of the Sanders Campaign. This likely helped propel Trump to a win, since according to some exit polls a majority of the country was put off by Clinton’s email controversy.

Trump’s campaign on the other hand was known for being one that was outspoken, an obvious populist focusing on the border. Trump was attacked ruthlessly by the media, but won out in the end — surpassing expectations.

Clinton did not speak, and John Podesta took her place at Clinton HQ, and told everyone to go home; Hillary is not going to speak, nor concede the election tonight. Clinton may contest the results.

Edit: Trump confirmed that she made the call to concede the election in his victory speech. Clinton did not give her concession speech until the morning.

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Nicholas Amato

Nicholas Amato is the News Editor at Being Libertarian. He’s an undergraduate student at San Jose State University, majoring in political science and minoring in journalism.