Fascism and the Left’s Hypocrisy


As we have seen in much of our recent political discourse – the left loves to name-call.

Knowing that they can’t win policy arguments, they prefer ad hominem attacks on character, or to shout their feelings loudly in an attempt to derail any argument.

This is especially true now that a reality TV star defeated their candidate.

Throughout the years (depending on the events) their favorite, meaningless buzzwords have changed. During the Obama regime, the word “racist” was preferred; and everyone who didn’t fall in line with the left was racist!

I think that one of the reasons there has been so much (delicious) progressive outrage is not only Hillary’s glorious defeat, but knowing that they’ll have to put “sexist” on the back burner until next time. Meanwhile, they will need to think of a new insult to hurl at those who dare oppose them. Their anger has “set their hair on fire”, and since they can’t think of anything original they’re recycling “fascist” from the Bush years.

Trump is a fascist, Trump’s cabinet picks are fascists, Trump’s voters are fascists; even if you didn’t vote for Trump you’re still a fascist for supporting anything he does. As is usually the case with words the left overuses (to the point of meaninglessness) the narrative runs something like: “Yes, we know we’ve called everyone we don’t like racist/sexist/bigot/fascist, but we really mean it this time.”

It’s time to talk about what fascism is; as well as why the left has no idea what they’re talking about. The genuine hypocrisy of the left  is by using the term “fascist”, while they’re not looking in a mirror.

It is difficult not to laugh at leftists who call Donald Trump and his cabinet appointees fascists, while mourning the death of Fidel Castro. The people who weep about how terrible Trump is, and shriek about how he will violate human rights, are the same ones talking about what an effective leader Fidel Castro was. Yes, really!

This isn’t just the left in the Unites States, by the way.

There was Obama talking about “the countless ways Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, and families, in the Cuban nation.” Jimmy Carter talking about how he only remembers his visits with Castro fondly as well as lauding Castro’s “love for his country.” From the Prime Minister of Canada, to Palestinian President (and dictator) Mahmoud Abbas,  to Russian President Vladimir Putin, to Chinese Premier (and dictator) Xi Jinping; leftists all over the world wept that one of their own had fallen.

To set the record straight: Fidel Castro destroyed Cuba’s flourishing economy. Along with Che Guevara, another mass murdering fellow glorified by the left (you’ve seen him on t-shirts, I promise), he arrested and executed thousands of dissidents. This included anyone who tried to escape the hellhole that he created. Castro also begged the Soviet Union to attack the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s.

A quick note about the amazing Cuban healthcare system you’ve no doubt heard about: It’s all a lie!

There are three tiers of Cuban healthcare. The bottom tier (which the majority of Cubans qualify for) is so terrible, that when you go to the hospital you need to provide your own sheets, toilet paper, and light bulbs for the room. The doctors attending, are so undersupplied that they reuse their latex gloves. As for Cuba’s “legendary” low infant mortality rate, it is closely tied to their astronomically high abortion rate, because they murder any child who shows even the slightest issue in-utero.

Their system only works for those in the top two tiers: The Cuban elites, and wealthy foreigners (like Michael Moore). Regardless of these facts, you’ll hear Bernie Sanders and company referencing Cuba as a role model for the United States.

Why would anyone have anything nice to say about Fidel Castro? The reason is quite simple. It seems the left does not care about evil acts committed; as long as they are in the name of the leftist agenda. Moral relativism runs rampant in the leftist mind. You can be a mass murdering dictator, but if you are seeking the same collectivist utopia that the left seeks, they will look past it. Their entire ideology is centered around the idea of equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity. The rights of individuals impede the “greater good” of the State. This is, in part, because to the left, rights are endowed by the State, therefore the State can give and take away individual rights based upon whatever it is they want to do that day. This is one of the many reasons why every fascist, socialist, and communist regime has been so successful throughout history… or am I getting that confused?

Let’s look at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition of what fascism means:

“Fascism – a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

Let’s see: Race over individual, centralized autocratic government, economic and social regimentation, and suppression of opposition. Does this sound like anyone we know?

With that definition in mind; why is it generally accepted that Republicans are fascists? The left fixates on only two areas of the above-noted definition of fascism and runs with them: Nationalistic pride and the general tendency of those on the right be religious.

They’ve created this certifiably-false claim that all Republicans are trying to impose religion on the rest of the country.  This  ignores the fact that, while we do have freedom of religion in this country, Judeo-Christian values greatly influenced our founding documents, as well as the laws of almost every successful nation in history; to say otherwise is willfully ignorant.

The left equates nationalistic pride with ethnic pride; specifically with white supremacy. This comes from an understanding of history, where, in the past, nationalistic pride and ethnic pride we strongly linked; due to the fact that most of the people from any given country were a set race. For example, Ethiopians are mostly black, Germans mostly white, Chinese mostly Asian, and Mexicans mostly Hispanic. So when Hitler talked about German supremacy, he literally meant killing all those who weren’t Aryan.

So, the idea that Trump is “literally Hitler” because he wants to “Make America Great Again” and is “America First”, is ridiculous.

America has no set race. Americans are people of every color. The faction of Trump supporters that are white supremacists is a small percentage, but the media disproportionately reports on them because it feeds their narrative and, more importantly, makes them a lot of money.

While Trump is certainly not a fascist in the way the left believes, there are some things we should be worried about and, no, it’s not his tweets.

Everyone is very excited about Trump “saving jobs” with his Carrier deal, but if you’re excited that Trump did a good thing (and on the surface, this seems like an inherent good) you might want to think again.

Trump is not a proponent of small government. Trump saved between 800 and 1000 jobs by bullying Carrier with the threat of imposed tariffs. In other words, the government said to a business “Do what I want, or I will ruin you.”

This is the same “crony capitalism” that Trump was opposed to during his campaign. Just because we are getting what we want – more jobs – does not mean that the principle changes. If you were for free trade during Obama’s presidency, but have switched to being pro-protectionism simply because that’s what Trump says we should do, then you just might be the problem.

This is my biggest problem with the election of Donald Trump. Our principles don’t change just because “our guy” won the White House. We worship principles, not people.

Setting aside the fact that the federal government has no constitutional authority to dictate the behavior of a private business, this move does not encourage a free market. The solution to companies outsourcing their businesses is not to punish them, it is to fix the reasons why they want to leave in the first place. It is wrong for the government to tell a business that they must bake someone a cake, and it is wrong for the government to tell a business they must operate in a certain sector.

We must be consistent!

We all need to keep an eye on Trump’s economic policies and ideology, making sure we call him out when he does something bad; because we know we won’t hear anything about it from the media.

As we’ve discussed, the left is willing to allow fascism, the kind that violate basic human rights, as long as everything is ‘fair’ economically.

It is now becoming obvious that we won’t be able to rely on Republicans to call Trump out on something they would have scolded Obama for doing.

The left uses intimidation, or physical violence, to block any viewpoint not in line with their policies of thought policing, “settled science,” and inevitable economic ruin. They are trying to establish “Orwellian” thought police, and lock up all the “intolerant conservatives” who dare to propose another line of thought. The fact that leftists call any non-leftist a fascist, is borderline satirical.

I hope they keep this nonsense up, because this will almost guarantee more conservative victories (and lefty tears) in 2018 and 2020. The Republican Party isn’t perfect by any means, and we need to hold their feet to the fire, but as we’ve seen this year – imperfection Trumps fascism.

* Luke Garrison is currently studying criminal law and constitutional theory at Seattle University Law School, and is a graduate of the Catholic University of America. For questions, comments, or hate mail, he can be reached at contact@lukegarrison.com. To hear more from Luke, follow him on Twitter: @_lukegarrison

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