Justin Trudeau Actually Admires Fidel Castro


Justin Trudeau has a preexisting PR problem in the libertarian community of Canada.

Upon arriving in Ottawa, one of his first prime ministerial achievements was to publicly fund $38 million home renovations for his house and hire four nannies to care for his two children. All the while he authorized a $15 billion arms deal to the Saudi government, who is currently committing genocide in Yemen. Others live in unthinkable misery because of his policies, and because of his policies, he lives in abstract luxury.

With this backdrop in mind I woke up yesterday morning to the news of my prime minister praising a brutal, discriminatory, murderous, torturous, religion-persecuting, ultra-homophobic, dictator. Justin Trudeau literally praised a man who exiled millions, executed thousands, and terrorized an entire population. There was no freedom, no liberty, no prosperity under Castro, and Trudeau lavished praise on him.

He had the following to say:

Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation…On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.

Never before has confirmation bias been so well confirmed.

When I reflect upon to what depths Trudeau will sink, what abasement of ethics will he reach, I would have thought, prior to this morning, that surely he wouldn’t see pure evil and call it good; and yet here we are. Here we have stood in the past, when asked about what nation’s administration he most admires, he responded with China’s oppressive dictatorship.

Some people are morally outraged at the mere thought of a wealth-gap; one would think that these same people would be even more outraged by an individual causing his own luxuriating fortunes via inflicting misery on others.

I was particularly infuriated not by the total lack of ethics, because this isn’t shocking given his history. It was, rather, his claim to be speaking for all Canadians. Trudeau has an addiction to claiming he speaks for Canadians. He’s always telling us what Canadians want or will defend his absurd ideas by the notion that Canadians voted for it. It’s not true; only 6.8 million Canadians voted for him and we’re a population of 36.3 million, which is to say he speaks for less than a fifth of all Canadians.

He doesn’t speak for Canadians. He doesn’t speak for Cuban Canadians who spent time in Castro’s torture prisons. Those Canadians deserve better than what Trudeau offered today. Trudeau offered them affirmation of their tormentor and called him a friend. It’s unthinkable, unfathomable, uncharitable, and totally unbecoming of a national leader to have such little regard for the suffering of those he claims to serve.

Furthermore, Trudeau doesn’t speak for me.

I am a Canadian and I readily object to the torture of innocent people and therefore find nothing remarkable or servile about a murderous dictator. Justin Trudeau is a man who lives luxuriously on the tax dollars of hard working Canadians who, by and large, didn’t vote for him. We deserve better than a leader who sees evil and praises it as good. We deserve better than Justin Trudeau.

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Brandon Kirby

Brandon Kirby has a philosophy degree from the University of New Brunswick and is a current MBA candidate finishing his thesis. He is an AML officer specializing in hedge funds in the Cayman Islands, owns a real estate company in Canada, and has been in the financial industry since 2004. He is the director of Being Libertarian - Canada and the president of the Libertarian Party of Canada.