MTV News’ Anna Marie Cox: You Cost The Democrats The Election!


Dear Anna Marie Cox at MTV News,

Bill Maher recently spoke about his takeaways from the 2016 election on the season finale of his show. He spoke about the culture of political correctness and the dismissal of the issues pertaining to the middle class, issues concerning white people and the working white man in particular. He pointed out that, in his view, the Democratic Party has alienated them by answering their concerns with “politically correct bullshit”!

What struck me as odd was your immediate response. Rather than attempt to dispute his theory, you decided to immediately accuse him of wanting to appeal more to “white men”, as if that idea was disgusting! Your answer to his perfectly logical statement was to say: “The problem with American politics…let’s get this straight…the problem with American politics is we don’t cater enough to white men?”

The disgust at the thought of addressing issues brought forward by “white men” was more than apparent in your voice. If I were to take your exact statement on Bill Maher’s show and replace “white men” with any other race I think we would all see how disgusting your response was.

Imagine if some introspective person at the end of a failed election bid were to mention that African American issues weren’t being adequately addressed and that the lack of political discourse on this could have ramifications on the future of the party in question. Now imagine in turn that some smug member of a protected class responded with the same contempt you displayed and said,  “The problem with American politics…let’s get this straight…the problem with American politics is we don’t cater enough to African Americans?”

We can take this thought experiment further and try out some other groups:
“The problem with American politics… let’s get this straight…the problem with American politics is we don’t cater enough to Jews?” she said with disgust.

“The problem with American politics…let’s get this straight…the problem with American politics is we don’t cater enough to the Latin community?” she said with disgust.

“The problem with American politics…let’s get this straight…the problem with American politics is we don’t cater enough to the LGBTQ community?” she said with disgust.

That sentiment – that exact statement – is why Democrats lost this election! You literally are the problem, Anna Marie Cox!

Do you not realize that you just “marginalized” a large portion of the population? A large and Innocent portion of the population? I guess it should be expected. After all, it is always innocents that suffer from the fallout of dangerous ideological positions.
This is a group of people that you are judging, and apparently loathing, simply because of the color of their skin! And you think they are the racists?

In case you didn’t realize “white people” make up nearly 70% of the population, and unlike what you may believe, that’s not a bad thing!

Is Bill Maher a part of the problem with America? He is a white man… or is it just all the other white men; the ones who don’t agree with your point of view?

This letter may be addressed to you, but it’s a long-overdue response to all of the aggressive and regressive people (with their shrill voices heard far too often online and in the mainstream media) who seem hellbent on bringing an end to “white men.”

Of course, many of these same people apply their hatred equally to women, people of color, LGBTQ people… anyone who does not agree with their narrative; anyone who stands up as an individual in a world that is being carved, more and more, into collectivist identity groups!

The obsession with “oppression” is actually causing oppression, just as the “love trumps hate” protesters are finding that many in their midst are actually incredibly hateful and violent! But that’s okay, as long as it’s against those who you deem to have “power” right? This is the new societally accepted way of creating an entire group of “subhumans” upon whom its politically correct to blame all society’s problems and against whom being hateful, bigoted, and condoning violence, is considered “A-Ok”!

It was societally accepted for the Nazis to treat Jews (and others in their countries) horribly as well, all because they were thought to be “lesser humans.”
It was societally accepted for the Marxist regimes in Russia, China, Cambodia, etc. to murder millions of their people. But don’t worry, it was only the subhuman “privileged” whose families were exterminated.

If the statement you made was an isolated instance or just another random opinion in a sea of millions, it wouldn’t really matter as much. In fact, if it were just your opinion, I wouldn’t be writing this letter. ben-dreyfuss-tweet-pinata-bodies-of-white-menThe reason I am writing this today, however, is that you are not alone in condoning this genocidal way of thinking!

There are very loud, very powerful voices who share this opinion – the opinion that “white people,” and “white men” in particular, need to be brought down a notch – that they are evil for some reason and because of skin pigmentation, they deserve to be treated as less than human.

So many in the leftist “social justice” crowd blame “white men” for all the problems in the world with over-simplistic outlooks on the issues we face in society; and it seems like you agree!

When we realize the “social justice movement,” who advocate this exact thinking, regularly call for white people to be killed, when we read their tweets, and see their actions on campuses and streets across the country there comes a point where we have to stand up and say enough! This is nonsense! In fact, it’s beyond nonsense. It has become very dangerous rhetoric.

Americans are waking up to the double standard, the racism, and the irrationality of the regressive left.
i-am-god-tweet-world-better-placeWhen legitimate concerns are being answered with agenda-driven dribble like “white privilege” (and other buzzwords) without ever addressing the actual issues, without engaging in a discussion around the facts, that’s when people who have any intelligence start seeing through the false virtue.

There are bad people in this world – bad racist people – some are racist against blacks, others against whites. There is racial strife the world over. Whites are not excused from being victims of racism, and just because the United States is a majority white nation, does not make it any less racist to judge people by the color of their skin rather than as the individuals they are.

The way to combat racism and bring unity in a diverse and multicultural society is through building a structure of unity and oneness based on character, responsibility, and merit, not through creating a narrative of victims and oppressors, of privilege and lack thereof.
It’s not done by leaving out the blights on the history of the nation or by using that history in a one-sided attempt to push a new form of racism, but by discussing the ideologies behind those blights without labeling people alive today according to the actions of people they’ve never met.

You don’t fight racism with more racism. As a brilliant man once said, “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” instead, the way to fight racism is by showing what unites us: our commonalities and similarities.

Do you know what most “white men” are doing right now?

Far from operating oppressive patriarchy, they spend their days working hard to provide for their families, and set their families up for success in the next generation; not unlike what most black men are doing, or Hispanic men are doing, or people from every identity group, minority or majority.

We have so much more in common than we realize. But when we let dangerous ideas like identity politics divide us to the point where people are ready to take the life of someone who never did them any harm, someone they don’t even know, we are driven further apart. We may have different beliefs or ideas, but in the end we all want the same thing: to provide for our families, and ensure the future is brighter for our children than it was for ourselves.

black-lives-matter-tweet-kill-white-menThe ideologies that differentiate us are so often conflated, based on bad data or groupthink, or just a result of ignorance, that to let ourselves become so hateful of others is just ludicrous.

If both sides were to stop fear mongering and make it so the moral compass of their respective parties pointed to individual liberty and what is in the best interests of the people they serve, we would have a very different world.

I say this, because your comment on “working class people,” that “real” working class people are not  white, implying that there is some big divide between “white” and all others in America, is false and dangerous! You are suggesting that “white people” live the lifestyle of millionaires while others live in poverty, and that is just not true. It’s divisive, and is going to result in incredible amounts of pain for many people.

The ignorance, the political games, the attempts to polarize “whites” from “people of color” (even that term implies that whites should be ostracized from the unity of all other races) is what caused a backlash. It’s a large part of what caused the Trump presidency! It wasn’t racism or misogyny. It was arrogance from people like you that drove others to what seemed like their only alternative. If you want to blame someone for Trump, then you only have to look in the mirror.

Oh…and by the way, those buzzwords have been thrown around so freely now that they’ve lost almost all meaning. Now, when someone is called a racist, we (average people just living our lives) have no idea if they are truly racist or if they’re just one of the many who disagree with you.

Is someone really an “Islamaphobe” or did they ask a question? Is someone actually a misogynist, or did they just vote for someone who they believed could bring back jobs to their community (or someone who hadn’t rigged their nomination in the primaries)?

You – the mainstream media and the social justice crowd – have your heads so far up your own narrative that you either unwilling, or, more likely, unable to see past your own echo chamber to look at life through another person’s viewpoint and consider that people are individuals and cannot (and should never be) categorized simply by their race or identity.

Communities are not a groups that think with hive-like unison. They are made of individuals – of people – who make their own choices. Skin color is by far one of the worst ways to determine a person’s character, much less the character of an entire group or population – so please stop!

Stop driving people away from liberalism and, even more importantly, stop pushing people into the delusional camp of judging by ethnic group or identity.

Let’s bring back the ideologies of the freedom-minded conservatives and the classical liberals, where the deciding factors of policy are on what allows for more individual liberty, and where people are judged by their character not by the color of their skin, or their identity!

When you’re there, I’ll be right there with you, and we can fight for the rights of all people, regardless of genetic differences!

To see the video this article refers to click the link here.

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Arthur Cleroux

Arthur Cleroux likes to ask questions in an attempt to understand why we do what we do and believe what we believe. He balances idealism with a desire for an honest, logical, and objective approach to issues. Arthur has always found it difficult to accept dogmatism and sees the pursuit of truth as his highest value no matter how controversial that truth may seem.'

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