For the foreseeable future, one is not be able to turn on their television, open their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram without seeing something about the dire need for gun-control in America. It is painted over every meme, status update, re-tweet, and news article. It is unavoidable. It is something that needs to be talked about. It is an exploitative campaign waged the by the Democratic left to stand on the graves of the dead children of Parkland, FL and push their totalitarian democratic agenda.
The battle for the hearts and minds of Americans started back at the beginning of 2008, with the Obama administration.
The Democrats’ new motto of “Never waste a good tragedy!” was put to full use in the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, every African American shot by police under disputed circumstances, Benghazi and the shooting of police in Dallas, TX.
At every given opportunity, Democrats and their politically-biased cohorts in the mainstream media leapt at the chance to drag suffering and grieving mothers, fathers, teachers and students in front of their cameras and have them parrot their narrative on Islamophobia, systemic racism, immigration and gun-control.
Their most recent attack on the 2nd Amendment has come courtesy of the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, and it is no surprise that Democrats are fired up and ready to wield their morally stunted tactics, once again!
The Left has been no fan of free-speech for over a decade. Their coverage of recent events featuring only wounded, grieving parties to discuss what sort of policy prescriptions should be put in place to prevent the next tragedy regarding gun-control.
This is not an act of compassion or sympathy for the victims. It is a fascist tactic used to silence the opposition. After all, if you don’t agree with CNN on their politics, then you must hate the survivors of Parkland, right?
The Democratic Party would have you believe the idea that we are supposed to equate your level of outrage or personal suffering with justification and expertise in political subject matter.
Want the litmus test? Let us say that a Republican voter who was personally effected by the Boston Bombings goes on Fox News and says, “I lost my wife and two kids to these terrorists! We need to ban all Muslim immigration!” Immoral, isn’t it? Unjustified, isn’t it? We can feel bad that the man lost his wife and two kids, we can have sympathy for him, but why does that make his ideas any more valid, just because he was part of a tragedy? The answer is that is doesn’t, but this is the lie that the Democrat party and the mainstream media continue to push for.
Having compassion for victims of tragedy is wonderful thing but utilizing empathy to make public policy is poisonous and dangerous because you are utilizing the opinions and desires of the few to pass law that will affect the many.
Yet, CNN and Democrats are perfectly willing to exploit the suffering of others to push their immoral ideology on Americans.
At CNN’s town hall, the crowd erupted in cheers for a semi-automatic gun ban. You want to know what a semi-automatic weapon is. One trigger pull, one bullet, single action. Nearly every single weapon in the United States, apart from hammer-fired revolvers, is semi-automatic.
The only gun that would be safe from that ban would be a double-action pistol. The ignorance, hypocrisy and flagrant display of hatred and moral bankruptcy is becoming painful and difficult to watch.
If Democrats really want to see a Trump re-election in 2020, then please keep going. Keep alienating actual liberals who care about foundational principles and good ideas. Keep pushing them farther to the right side of the isle. Keep dividing this country as much as you can and watch the Republicans become the “big tent” party. Because more people care about unity than they do grandstanding and virtue signaling. Keep showing exactly what your real agenda is and exactly what the contents of your character looks like, because it only serves to pull back the facade and ensure Democrats and the mainstream media lose all credibility.
* Robert Ward is a twenty-seven year old former Marine from rural Ohio. He is a conservative-libertarian. He is a husband and a father, raising a little girl in an American culture poisoned by leftist intolerance and it gets scarier each and every day. Now, he’s speaking out.
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