This Futile Goal Is Not What Our Founders Wanted For Us
Nothing, no matter what it is, will ever be perfect.
Herein lies the problem we have in America; we want everything to be perfect! However, this is not rational, and is quite frankly ridiculous, when it comes to realism and our individual freedoms.
Perfectionism requires the removal of individual freedoms to attain a societal goal of perfect peace, protection, and safety. This is, literally, impossible to accomplish, because every one of us is a unique individual.
The preamble of our Constitution should have been the last time the phrase “to form a more perfect” anything was ever used.
As a nation, we strive like hell in every effort to make our cities, our states, and our country more perfect. We do this by continuously passing an avalanche of city ordinances, state statutes, and federal laws all in the supposed name of “public safety,” to control every aspect of our individual lives.
It is a futile attempt, however, because it is based on control. You cannot, through government control or any other fashion, make anything or anyone perfectly safe and secure. In short, you cannot legislate morality for individuals.
Plato once said – “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” We have so many laws at the local, state, and federal levels, that no one can even keep up with all of them anymore. How is the average citizen supposed to know every single law in existence, when even judges and attorneys have to look them up?
To attempt to create such an environment of control over the citizenry equates to socialism or totalitarianism. It creates an invisible prison that most of the public don’t even realize they are living in. This is quite the opposite of what our founders envisioned, and is why all “victimless crimes” quite frankly need to die in a fire.
Throughout history, whenever those in power sought to control the masses they eventually failed, no matter what means they used (except for North Korea because they’ll just kill you instead). Any empire attempting to enforce perfection eventually crumbled, for various reasons.
One of the reasons why Rome fell was because it started more wars than it could afford, in an effort to “control” the world.
When are we going to learn from our own world history, this does not work? You can’t have the level of “freedom” our founders meant for us to have, and at the same time, allow the government so much control over our personal lives that we don’t know when we may be breaking the law in some idiotic, victimless crime.  When will we learn that allowing people to be free in their pursuits, as our founders said, is the only way to perpetuate a long lasting and successful society and country?
We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason, and that is so individuals, not the government, can take care of ourselves.
The far right love the law, and those that enforce it, your rights be damned! I cannot tell you how many times one of my hard-core right wing friends would say “f*ck their rights,” or “screw the 4th Amendment, I don’t care” when referencing a criminal act of another American; all while hypocritically claiming to love the Bill of Rights and be an avid 2nd Amendment supporter.
The far-left hate laws all together and want complete freedom with no rules at all. They then, hypocritically, want big government to take care of them in a never-ending system of welfare.
Neither of these systems can, or will, work long term; our founders understood this. To quote Thomas Jefferson – “The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining, nor aiding them in their pursuits.” I would argue that this same idea should be applied to the state and local governments as well today.  I mean this sincerely.
I know it’s a lot of reading, but seriously, take the time to read what our founders wanted for us. Â Here are some links to the actual words they spoke, rather than random memes you read on social media.
Our country is in massive disarray. Not because of Trump (I mean hell I voted for him), but because of decades upon decades of policies and laws that were never meant to exist in the first place.
Rediscover what “Liberty” means again!
* Shane Foster has worked his entire career in military, law enforcement, corrections, and as a private investigator. He has a unique perspective into how law enforcement and our judicial system operates from within its ranks, as well as knowledge on our privacy laws, in which, every day, our individual freedoms and liberties are gradually taken away from us and our individual rights are abused.

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[…] Perfectionism Is Insanity And Impossible To Accomplish – Being Libertarian […]
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