Announcing ‘Sexual Liberty’ by Chase Tkach


Champion Books, Being Libertarian‘s publishing arm, has had admirable success with the publication of Bad Arguments by Killian Hobbs and our debut manifesto, Igniting Liberty: Voices for Freedom Around the World. We are now excited to add New York sex worker Chase Tkach’s Sexual Liberty: Memoirs of a Sex Worker’s Fight for Freedom to the Champion Books family.

Tkach has a long history of employment in the sex industry, performing under the moniker Molly Smash, and has been a activist fighting for the rights of all sex workers, agitating for the removal of unjust laws such as SOSTA/FESTA. They founded the Libertarian Party of Orleans County, New York where they also serve as chair. Their experience in multiple industries serves as an excellent primer that demystifies sex work and demonstrates why it can be fulfilling work.

Sexual Liberty is a brief guide that explains multiple issues related to sex work, such as the differences between legalization and decriminalization, and how government regulations make sex workers choose between their livelihood and their family. The book is written in Tkach’s signature no-nonsense style. It also serves as a collection of insights for anyone who could be considering a career in this industry.

Be sure to stay tuned to learn more about Chase Tkach and to pre-order Sexual Liberty: Memoirs of a Sex Worker’s Fight For Freedom on Amazon in mid-March. Dissenting from the United States government’s awful laws that punish platforms for hosting sex workers, SOSTA/FESTA, the book will be officially launched on 6 April. In the meantime, be sure to check out Igniting Liberty and Bad Arguments to catch up on Champion Books publications.

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