Michael Avenatti Arrested For Domestic Violence


The story today that Michael Avenatti has been arrested for a felony. The felony? Domestic violence.

According to TMZ, who initially ran the story, Michael Avenatti was arrested for felony domestic violence after an altercation yesterday evening with the charges and arrest taking place today. His wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, is quoted as saying “I can’t believe you did this to me. I’m going to get a restraining order.” She was found in a state of distress with her face being described as swollen and bruised and marks on both sides of her face.

Another altercation between the two took place today before police, after talking to Avenatti for approximately five to ten minutes, took him into custody. He could be heard saying “She hit me first” adding that “This is bullshit, this is fucking bullshit.”

His wife had said that “[Avenatti] is hot-tempered and used to having his way – when he doesn’t he gets extremely loud and verbally aggressive,” according to court records. This is not the first altercation that has involved the courts with the most recent example occurring in August of 2017.

Fox News, also covering the case, stated that Avenatti denied the claims that there was verbal or physical abuse at play. In a response to their requests, he stated that police were supportive of Avenatti during the whole event, and apparently had “stated they could not grant me access, but if I wanted to force access I could because I had every right to the home.”

Michael Avenatti gained his fame through his illustrious legal career, and most notably for his involvement in the now infamous Stormy Daniels vs. Donald Trump case. During that case, he was declared a hero of women’s rights and received large amounts of praise from Democrats, women’s rights groups, and most Trump opposers.

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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.

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