Become Your Own President!


Self-government is the foundation and ideal of any society to prosper globally. This system of governance empowers individuality, liberty, and property. Self-governance delegates the freedom of choice to the citizens in all aspects of human activity, which include economics, education, entertainment, law, labor, politics, war, religion, and sex. Specifically, having the freedom of expression, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, the freedom of press, the right to bear arms to fortify your property, the right to property ownership, and other freedoms are the prerequisites for advancement and satisfaction in any society. Therefore, with the individual governing him or herself, he or she has the capability to freely make decisions as long as it doesn’t violate the non-aggression axiom, meaning that one’s freedom doesn’t transgress or infringe on the rights of anyone else.

The concept of self-governance is especially pivotal and imperative with the political climate in this country, with two incompetent candidates who catalyzed to this election arguably being the most unpopular one in the American history. Both candidates are incapable, incoherent, and contradictory on how the implementation and ratification of their policies will add prosperity and tranquility to this country. With Hillary Clinton’s immoral track record immersed with continuous prevarications, and Donald Trump’s inexperience in the public sector with the concomitance of fascistic and ultra-nationalist utterances during his campaign, it diminishes the national confidence of any of these leaders having the capability of being the “Leader of the Free World.” In the midst of the political scandals in this country, the high rates of criminality, the limitation of our rights through governmental interventionism, the national security threats, the adulteration of the free market which is manipulating and stifling job growth, history has proven that presidents, for the most part, have been complacent in meeting our insatiable and infinite demands with the scarce resources that they extort from us citizens through the process of taxation.

In this case, the trade-off for relinquishing your autonomy and responsibility to a president and government alone, is to become your own president!

The free market enables you to have the authority, autonomy, and sovereignty of your own destiny, besides being a dependent of the public sector for your livability, vitality and opportunities. There are at least 192 corporations whose annual revenues are larger than the GDP (gross domestic product) of entire nations. GDP is calculated by the value of the goods and services that are produced in a country annually, meaning that once you govern yourself by utilizing your individuality, liberties and freedom of property to produce consumable goods and services, then your presidency of your company could potentially be wealthier than a lot of nation-states. Ironically, nation states have the capacity and capability to build infrastructural developments, roads, schools, bridges, tunnels, hospitals, power plants, and other enormous projects through the imposed taxation on its citizens, while companies generate their revenue from the voluntary and cooperative demands of consumers in the free market. Therefore, it is the presidents of companies and one’s self who has the dexterity and capability to meet the preferences and needs of its fellow citizens, more so than a politician, due to the amenities of property rights, free market resource allocation and the freedom to choose! Henceforth, self-governance provides more opportunities, satisfaction, hedonism and viability than merely relying on the anachronistic bipartisan and special interest sponsored political system that we have been readily accustomed to.

In closing, the trade-off of self-governance for relying on Clinton or Trump to solve your problems could be billions of dollars of revenue which will enable you to be wealthier than multiple governments with socialistic, fascistic, statist and interventionist policies that are deracinating the freedom of its citizens to prosper, create, innovate and grow. Therefore, it is more effective to be the President of Yourself and/or a president of an enterprise than to rely on a President of the United States, their fellow bureaucrats in addition to their cronies.

* Baruti Kafele, who is affectionately known as ‘Baruti Libre’, is an intellectual entrepreneur, social scientist, proud libertarian, and real estate broker who ensures quality and superiority from his enterprises to his scholarship. Baruti Libre is the chief executive of the successful fashion and multimedia firm called LiBRE BRAND-Freedom of Flyness which is a globally-recognized and viable brand based on the ideals of liberty and freedom. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter @BarutiLibre and visit his websites for literature and apparel.

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Baruti Libre

Baruti Kafele, who is affectionately known as ‘Baruti Libre’, is an intellectual entrepreneur, social scientist, proud libertarian, and real estate broker who ensures quality and superiority from his enterprises to his scholarship. Baruti Libre is the chief executive of the successful fashion and multimedia firm called LiBRE BRAND-Freedom of Flyness which is a globally-recognized and viable brand based on the ideals of liberty and freedom. Twitter: @BarutiLibre.