Greg Gutfeld To Johnson: “You’re The Next President!”

johnson, Libertarian Party
FILE - In this Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011 file photo, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson speaks at a news conference during which he announced he is leaving the Republican Party in favor of seeking a presidential nomination as a Libertarian, at the State Capitol in Santa Fe, N.M. Something's going on in America this election year: a renaissance of an ideal as old as the nation itself - that live-and-let-live, get-out-of-my-business, individualism vs. paternalism dogma that is the hallmark of libertarianism. But what looms are far larger questions about whether an America fed up with government bans and government bailouts - with government, period - is seeing a return to its libertarian roots. (AP Photo/Albuquerque Journal, Eddie Moore, File)
Gary Johnson and his running mate, Bill Weld.

Libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, appeared on the most recent edition of The Greg Gutfield Show in a very lighthearted interview. During the segment, Gutfield delivered some very real praise toward the presidential candidate:

I like you because you’re for free markets and free minds and I think you are like a sleeper candidate. You are a two-term governor but you are also kind of goofy. Right?

Gutfeld then continued:

You are the next president! The next president!  The next president!  No but the thing is – the reason why I bring that up is that on The Five we are constantly talking about Trump and Hillary and how flawed they are and Geraldo says “Gary Johnson, he’s kind of weird.’  So, what’s wrong with weird?  When you are looking at the other candidates you are a successful two-term governor.  You cut spending. You left a budget surplus. You won Republican in a state that was two-to-one Democrat. What’s weird about that?

Johnson also reveals his plans if he were to become president:

Well, I want, I want to reduce the size of government. I believe that less money out of my pocket is a good thing and then stand up for civil liberties. Included in those civil liberties, of course, legalizing marijuana, marriage equality, women’s right to choose, and then let’s stop with the military interventions with regime change  that has resulted in a less safe world.  How is that for starters? Let’s, let’s, let’s bring the world together with free markets.  

Johnson has been hitting strides recently in polls. A recent Utah poll has the former New Mexico governor at 26% in the state and currently has 44% among active veterans in comparison to Trump’s 26% and Hillary Clinton’s 12%. Gutfeld has been no slouch either in regards to his libertarian-leanings and has said in the past that he is a self-identified libertarian.

You can view the interview, which features Johnson blowing an air kiss to Gutfeld here.

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