President Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Trump


Okay, love may be a strong word, but I’m seriously reconsidering my deep aversion to a President Trump.

The Left’s collective brain is melting just like I predicted. It has been so deliciously wonderful to watch an entire population of big-government-loving sycophants suddenly become terrified of their “ex.” There’s definitely been a certain level of schadenfreude watching adherents to the cult of power see their religion overtaken by a man they see as the Devil. But that’s not why I’m opening up to the Drumpf.

It’s also not because watching him is like watching the WWE. In his first press conference as president-elect, Trump called CNN “fake news” and Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage.” Sure, he’s not as eloquent as the incomparable speaker Barack Obama, but he doesn’t mind dropping hilarity bombs on journalists’ heads.


However, there’s something even more important than seeing cognitive dissonance lay waste to liberal minds, and annoying pseudo-journalists get lit up on national television. The reason I’m starting to look forward to President Trump is the people he’s picked for his cabinet. His picks are perhaps more predictive of the type of presidency we should be in store for than any other indicator. I laid out an ideal cabinet after he was elected and *shock* Mr. Trump didn’t take my advice. But the selections he has made have me jumping on the Trump train.

Picking Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy, a department that he wanted to eliminate when he was running for president, yet couldn’t remember the name of, was a huge finger to the establishment. It was the political equivalent of Hulk Hogan dropping Randy Savage on his head in true WWE fashion.

Giving the Health and Human Services nod to one of the most outspoken opponents of Obamacare—Tom Price—was brilliant also and instantly made the country healthier. It was estimated that the average lifespan of Americans rose by 6.2 months with that simple gesture.

And selecting a big-time school choice advocate and *gasp* billionaire philanthropist for the Secretary of Education position was fantastic. The national IQ rose 15 points just from the nomination alone.

Trump’s pick to lead the FDA, Balaji Srinivasan, apparently also has a strong distaste for the organization, tweeting that a “Yelp for drugs” would be much more efficient and effective. It’s brilliant and I agree!

There were some questionable picks, like Drug War chicken hawk Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and the swarm of Goldman Sachs cronies as economic advisors, but by and large, the Trump cabinet is unlike anything we’ve seen in the era of disastrously large government. It does appear that Trump is making good on his outsider promises. And while he didn’t drain the swamp as he kept assuring his supporters he would, he did bring in some freshwater at least.

I’m starting to realize why all those establishment candidates like Hillary and Obama and even Republicans like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio were so fearful of a Trump presidency. I’m starting to realize what a few of my visionary friends saw in the man, past the bombastic rhetoric and orange-tinted spray tan.

Trump represents real change from the previous administration, and change from the status quo. This isn’t the type of pocket change that Obama brought, which pretty much resulted in a continuation of the exact same policies that made Bush so hated at the end of his presidency. Obama’s change was superficial and easy to adore, while he went on and kept the wars and corporatism raging, which was conveniently ignored by the Left because Obama was their god. Trump’s change is genuine and sorely needed, and it appears to be finally happening.

This may all be overly optimistic. Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated at the time of this writing and he could realistically do a 180 once he’s in office like Bush and Obama did, but from an objective standpoint, his actions as president-elect do appear to diverge from the norm and thankfully so. If he turns out to be just another puppet that the military-industrial complex can push around, then this glimpse of hope will be misplaced. But at least we’ll still be able to get a good laugh at his press conferences covered by failing piles of garbage.

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JSB Morse is a husband, father, author, entrepreneur, and philosopher. He has recently written "Paleo Family" with his wife and previously written the political thriller "Gods of Ruin" and the spiritual fiction "Now and at the Hour of Our Death". He is editor of "The Libertarian Catholic" and can be found at