Presidential Candidate Endorses Charles Peralo For LP Chair


Libertarian presidential candidate, Kevin McCormick (L-AZ) has endorsed Libertarian National Chairman candidate, Charles Peralo.

“Technology has made it possible for the Libertarian Party to reach millions of people directly and Charles is the only candidate with the background and plan to use these tools” McCormick said.

Kevin McCormick announced his presidential bid a month ago and within that time has catapulted from a virtual unknown to a dark horse for the Libertarian presidential nomination, with strong state conventions showings and a surprising third place in a recent poll conducted by the Libertarian Party.

McCormick continued:

“It’s time we stop talking about using technology to expand the party and elect somebody with a background and plan we can execute.”

Charles Peralo had this to say about McCormick’s endorsement:

“I’m happy Kevin decided to back me in this run. From his campaign, it sort of feels a lot like what I’m all about. Regular people who’ve worked hard and don’t have interest in creating a show getting into politics where they run on a platform regular people can support which promotes freedom. We spoke a lot and it seems he’s all about higher standards yet maintaining the same principles for the Libertarian Party, which is what I want.”

McCormick is the first presidential hopeful to openly endorse a candidate for Libertarian National Committee chairperson.

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