Virginia Governor’s Racist Yearbook Scandal Uncovered


Earlier today Gov. Ralph Northam’s yearbook photo from his medical school came to light much to the alarm of many both within the state and the nation at large. The photo in question came from his 1984 yearbook and depicts two currently unidentified men: one wearing black face and the other in the costume of a Ku-Klux-Klan member standing beside him. This odd photo shows up on the same half-page that was set aside for Northam including several photos of him and the following inscription posted below the blackface and Klan image:

“Alma Mater: Virginia Medical Institute

Interest: Pediatrics

Quote: There are more old drunks than there are old doctors in this world so I think I’ll have another beer.”

While the exact identity of the two individuals cannot be made out from the photo at present, and with Governor’s office declining to comment on the matter, it can safely be assumed that one of the two pictured men in the photo would indeed be Governor Ralph Shearer Northam of Virginia, practically without question.

The first swings at this came from the Virginia GOP official twitter account posting a link to the first article with the caption “@GovernorVA needs to explain this immediately.”

This came to light a week after Gov. Northam made comments on a new bill that aimed to repeal and replace several restrictions on abortion within the state. During a radio show discussing the topic of abortion Northam states that reactions to the bill were overblown. This bill, introduced by Del. Kathy Tran, aimed to reduce the required amount of physicians needed to sign off on a third-trimester abortion – something, it should be noted is already legal in the state – from three down to one has at the time of this writing already been terminated in subcommittee.


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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.'

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