BREAKING: Julian Assange Trolls The World With ‘October Surprise’


Early Tuesday morning, Julian Assange went on livestream to discuss this year’s “October Surprise”: a leak on Hillary Clinton that could damage her campaign.

This comes after weeks of speculation on what this “bombshell” issue could be. Assange and Wikileaks came out with multiple livestream time announcements — 4 and 5 am Eastern Time — after credible threats of Assange’s assassination made the rounds. These weren’t the only threats of assassination: Hillary Clinton recently suggested that the U.S government drone Assange, asking “can’t we just drone this guy?”

This leak comes after the original email leak in July, and the Guccifer 2.0 leak on September 13th. The Guccifer 2.0 leak uncovered some of the DNC’s documents and doings. The most notable being the DNC’s desire to use Latino voters to gerrymander a permanent majority in the house, working with the OFA to sell diplomatic positions to donors, and documents showing the Obama campaign’s tactics for securing a November win in 2008 through early voting.

The press conference started a few minutes late. The press conference started with a video documenting the history of Wikileaks, and issues that they had uncovered over their 10 years, and 10 million documents released — as Tuesday was the 10th anniversary of their founding.

It was announced that documents will be released slowly over the next 10 weeks. They then went back over some of their history.

The next part of the press conference dealt with two speakers that discussed what it is like to deal working with Wikileaks and dealing with the media aspect, as well as the journalistic aspect. A lot of talk surrounded false reporting on Wikileaks’ document leaks, and how they’ve combated false and poor media response to their findings. John Goetz, the second speaker, an independent journalist, also spoke about similar talking points.

When Julian Assange spoke, he said that “Understand, if we’re going to make a big publication, we’re not going to do it at 3 a.m. in the United States.” He went on to say that updates would be posted — like normal — on Twitter, and discussed further publications. He noted that upcoming leaks would include war, oil, Google, the election.

The internet, especially Alex Jones, erupted in anger at the announcement that nothing would be released as reported. It remains to be seen what Assange & Co. will do next.

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