Israeli Athletes Banned, Ride-Sharing Restrictions, and May Fumbles Brexit Deal


Welcome to the Being Libertarian global news roundup.

Each week we will be rounding up the most important stories from across all of our publications so that you can stay up to date all on that happens in this crazy world of ours. Check it out!


  • The Malaysian prime minister barred Israeli athletes from entry for “humanitarian reasons.”
  • China sent the Yuta 2 probe to the far side of the Moon, and had a live feed broadcasting the growth of cotton on the Moon.
  • Read more on these stories here.


  • China has ruled in favor of executing a Canadian national in what’s being considered a politically-motivated move.
  • Regina, Saskatchewan has moved ahead with restrictions on ride sharing services in the city.
  • A man in Saint-Antoine, New Brunswick was forced by the town to shut down the homeless shelter he had started at home.
  • Read more on these stories here.

United Kingdom

  • The vote for Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal on withdrawal from the European Union took place with the result being a resounding ‘no’.
  • The vote triggered another no confidence vote against the Prime Minister, which she only survived by a majority of 19 votes.
  • A long series of environmentally-driven regulations and bans are on their way, include potentially banned scented candles.
  • Read more on these stories here.

United States

  • Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on the program 60 Minutes and stated that people need to be more concerned about being morally right than factually right. Read more on this story here.
  • Gillette razors grabbed national attention with a now viral commercial telling men that they need to be better and to avoid toxic masculinity. Read more on this story here.

South Africa

  • State-owned arms manufacturer, Denel, recently made headlines as it appointed Daniel du Toit as its CEO, a controversial move not because of his history, but because he is white. Read more on this story here.
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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.'

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