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Rebutting Sargon of Akkad’s “Answers for Libertarians”

Seeing as how I apparently still need to regain some of my street cred among “real libertarians,” after several recent articles defending Donald Trump, I...

Republican VP Mike Pence is Right, The People In Scranton Do Know Better!

Last night, the vice presidential candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties squared off in a debate where Scranton was mentioned as an example of the failed...

Perspectives: Why Is Gary Johnson Still In The Race?

Being Libertarian Perspectives serves as a weekly, multi-perspective opinion and analysis piece by members of Being Libertarian’s writing team. Every week the panel, comprised...

Visit Japan to See What an Alt-Right Society Would Look Like

When people talk about the alt-right, and what its proponents want to see their society become, they frequently fall back on descriptions of the...

Dear Tom Woods… Again with this stuff!

Some people really don't like some of my articles. They don't like that I attack anarcho-capitalism as a fantasyland idea. They don't enjoy me saying...

Dear Tom Woods, Murray Rothbard Did Indeed Suck

This article is a followup to an article I wrote bashing anarchist/KKK member and supporter, Murray Rothbard. The reaction I got from it did as...

5 Political Arguments That Need to Die

I’m not one to shy away from political discourse. I have no problem with people who make rational arguments or attack the merits of...

Stop Arguing with Statists! (Part 2)

They’re Better at Whining Than You Are “The first time I changed the world, I was hailed as a visionary. The second time I was...

I Hated Sanders; But Here’s Why His Supporters Should Vote For Johnson

I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Bernie Sanders was my least favorite candidate for president. He was someone who I believed was a denier...

Let’s Face It: Justin Amash Getting The GOP Nomination Is Impossible

I think Justin Amash is a great congressman. Since he first joined I have viewed him as a future leader in the liberty movement...