McAfee on the Run, Gary Johnson a Hero, and Zimbabwe Censored


Welcome back to the Being Libertarian news roundup where we put together all of the important news in one easy place so that you, the reader, don’t miss anything that’s happened in the crazy world of ours.


  • American presidential hopeful and known eccentric John McAfee posted a series of tweets claiming to be on the run from the IRA and SEC in the US first showing himself off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, then stating he was moving toward Venezuela. Read more here.
  • President Maduro of Venezuela attempted to kick out US diplomats over the international community recognizing his presidency as illegitimate. Read more here.


  • New York passed the Reproductive Health Act which protected and reinforced Roe v. Wade while adding a series of additional provisions regarding abortion. Read more here.
  • Former Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, recent made the news for being one of the first on the scene of a rescue mission to save skiers trapped under an avalanche. Read more here.
  • President Donald Trump has put an end to the government shutdown temporarily to negotiate the wall funding further. If a deal is not met the shutdown will resume on 15 February. Read more here.


  • Thailand has set the date for their first proper election since the military coup five years ago.
  • A man has been permanently banned from Taiwan’s EVA Air after forcing a flight attendant to undress him under the guise of a medical condition.
  • Hong Kong takes a hard swing against freedom of speech by moving to criminalize the act of insulting the national anthem.
  • Read more on these stories here.


  • Gwen Ngwenya recently resigned from her position as the head of policy for the Democratic Alliance, which is being considered a blow to liberty in the country. Read more here.
  • The Zimbabwean government has recently implemented a full block on social media, and in some cases internet access itself, in order to quell mass protests over massive government-caused price increases to fuel. Read more here.


  • The UK parliament is currently reviewing the possibility of running a second referendum on Brexit as the clock ticks down to the deadline.
  • Nigel Farage, who was a figure at the forefront of Brexit, has applied to form the Brexit Party to ensure Brexit goes through, and as he views UKIP (his former party) have become too extreme.
  • Macron and Merkel met recently forming a “Friendship Pact” between the two nations which has drawn some ire from other EU members.
  • Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has urged the French people not to vote for Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche Party, inviting tensions between the nations.
  • Read more on these stories here.

Was there a story that you think was important that you didn’t see above? Become a contributor and submit your stories here.

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Killian Hobbs

Redheaded lover of Liberty, Economics, Philosophy, and Debate. Proud Canadian and prouder part of Being Libertarian, Think Liberty, and The Rational Standard as News Editor and Managing Editor for Think Liberty. You can also listen to my podcast "Coffee Shop Philosophy" on the Think Liberty Network.'

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